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SLR-Mail No.2578

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Date:2019-06-20 19:41:30
Sender:Adrian Jaeggi <adrian.jaeggi@aiub.unibe.ch>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2578: AGU2019, Session G013 Precise Orbit Determination: a Tool of Space Geodesy that enables Earth and Planetary Science
Content:Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the session G013 Precise Orbit
Determination: a Tool of Space Geodesy that enables Earth and Planetary
Science organized at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, which will be held 9-13
December 2019 in San Francisco, CA.

Session description:

Precise orbit determination (POD) is a discipline of Space Geodesy that
enables the determination of planetary geophysical parameters. POD
enables satellite altimetry mapping (for the Earth this includes the
oceans, the cryosphere, and the land surface), the determination of the
gravity fields, the estimation of relativity parameters and the
elucidation of physical forces important for satellite or asteroid orbit
evolution such as the Yarkovsky effect. POD is an essential prerequisite
of the analysis of SLR, GNSS and DORIS data that contributes to the
International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The most demanding
applications require determination of satellite orbits at the cm or
sub-cm level such as for altimetry, gravity, SAR, and GNSS.

This session solicits papers that aim to clarify the technical
challenges of orbit determination and their impact on science and
geophysical observations and also to quantify the nature of the impact
of dynamics errors on these applications.

Please consider submitting an abstract to this dedicated orbit session.
The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, 31 July at 23:59 EDT.
We are looking forward to your contribution.

On behalf of the convenors of session G013,

Adrian Jggi

Co-conveners: Frank G Lemoine, Bruce J Haines, Jan Weiss

Adrian Jaeggi Astronomical Institute, University of Bern
adrian.jaeggi@aiub.unibe.ch Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
http://www.aiub.unibe.ch/ Tel: +41 31 6318596 Fax: +41 31 6313869

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