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SLR-Mail No.2581

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Date:2019-07-09 15:23:02
Sender:&#8221;U. Schreiber (internal)&#8221; <schreiber@fs.wettzell.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2581: Station Upgrade WLRS (8834)
Content:Dear colleagues,
the WLRS (8834) has undergone an upgrade procedure. The repetition rate of the
laser is now 400 Hz (on a monostatic telescope system). The realtime calibration has
been replaced by a pre- post- calibration process.

The data from 8834 is currently under quarantine and the observations will be released
when the data quality is checked, verified and accepted by the Analysis Standing Committee.

Kind regards, Ulli

Prof. Ulrich Schreiber
Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodaesie
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
- Fundamentalstation Wettzell -
D-93444 Bad Koetzting
Tel.: +49 9941 603113
Fax.: +49 9941 603222
Prof. Ulrich Schreiber
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Dodd Walls Centre of Photonics and Quantum Technologies
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch, 8020
New Zealand
Fax: +64 3 3642469

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