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SLR-Mail No.2615

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Date:2019-12-16 07:58:05
Sender:Xavier Collilieux <xavier.collilieux@ensg.eu>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2615: ITRF session at EGU 2020
Content:Dear colleagues,

As part of the EGU General Assembly that will be held in Vienna, Austria during 03-08 May 2020 there will be a session on
”The International Terrestrial Reference Frame: Elaboration, Usage and Applications”. Please consider submitting an abstract to this session, see the session description at https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/session/35328

Abstract submission deadline : 15th of January 2020.

Best regards,

Xavier Collilieux, Claudio Abbondanza, Susanne Glaser

Dear colleagues,


As part of the EGU General Assembly that will be held in Vienna, Austria during 03-08 May 2020 there will be a session on

"The International Terrestrial Reference Frame: Elaboration, Usage and Applications". Please consider submitting an abstract to this session, see the session description at https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/session/35328


Abstract submission deadline :  15th of January 2020.


Best regards,


Xavier Collilieux, Claudio Abbondanza, Susanne Glaser


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