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SLR-Mail No.2689

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Date:2021-01-05 13:22:43
Sender:Zuheir Altamimi <Zuheir.Altamimi@ign.fr>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2689: Re: ITRF2020: Call for local survey results
Author:Zuheir Altamimi
Content:Author: Zuheir Altamimi

Dear Colleagues,

Please let me first wish you all a Happy New Year 2021, despite the terrible pandemic situation.

This is a friendly reminder to the owners, operators and surveyors of ITRF Co-location sites,
soliciting them to submit their local survey results for inclusion in the ITRF2020 computation.
Many thanks to colleagues who already submitted their local tie data, or promised to do so in the very near future.
Please be reminded, as mentioned in the email appended below, if more than one local surveys were operated
at your site, at different epochs, we kindly ask you to make all the results available: one SINEX per local survey results.
Although the deadline for the IAG services (IDS, IGS, ILRS and IVS) to submit their contribution to ITRF2020 is February 10,
2021, for local survey data we would be happy to receive your contribution after the deadline, if more time is needed
for you to process your local survey observations.

Please don´t hesitate to get in contact with the ITRF group ( itrf at ign.fr) if you have any questions or need assistance.

Sincerely Yours
Zuheir Altamimi
Head, ITRS Center
President, International Association of Geodesy

On 04/05/2020 at 14:23, Zuheir Altamimi wrote :
Author: Zuheir Altamimi

Dear Colleagues,

This email is addressed to the owners, operators and surveyors of ITRF Co-location sites.

I hope that you are all safe and healthy in this unprecedented and terrible pandemic situation.

In building and operating Core co-location sites, your contribution is fundamental to
global geodesy and to the ITRF in particular.

The four IAG services (IDS, IGS, ILRS and IVS) are currently reprocessing their data
in preparation for their contribution to the ITRF2020. The ITRF2020 Call for Participation
is available here: http://itrf.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/CFP-ITRF2020.pdf

Recent and past results of local surveys at ITRF co-location sites are solicited for inclusion
in ITRF2020 analysis. Local ties should be provided in SINEX format, with full variance covariance
information, together with a report if available.
If more than one local surveys were operated, at different epochs, we kindly ask you to make all
the results available: one SINEX per local survey results.
In the scope of the activity of the IAG working group WG 1.2.1 Methodology for surveying geodetic
instrument reference points (joint with IERS), co-location site survey and survey product metadata
are being collected. When submitting your local tie SINEX file(s), we kindly ask you to fill in and
send the excel sheet/form available at the following link:


Please submit your files to:
ITRS Center: itrf@ign.fr
IERS Central Bureau: central_bureau@iers.org

The IERS ITRS Product Center is particularly grateful to all the institutions that provide the necessary investment for the space geodetic observatories which constitute the main ITRF foundation.

Counting on your valuable contributions.

Sincerely Yours
Zuheir Altamimi
Head, ITRS Center
President, International Association of Geodesy

Author: Zuheir Altamimi

Dear Colleagues,

Please let me first wish you all a Happy New Year 2021, despite the terrible pandemic situation.

This is a friendly reminder to the owners, operators and surveyors of ITRF Co-location sites,

soliciting them to submit their local survey results for inclusion in the ITRF2020 computation.

Many thanks to colleagues who already submitted their local tie data, or promised to do so in the very near future.

Please be reminded, as mentioned in the email appended below, if more than one local surveys were operated

at your site, at different epochs, we kindly ask you to make all the results available: one SINEX per local survey results.

Although the deadline for the IAG services (IDS, IGS, ILRS and IVS) to submit their contribution to ITRF2020 is February 10,

2021, for local survey data we would be happy to receive your contribution after the deadline, if more time is needed

for you to process your local survey observations.

Please don´t hesitate to get in contact with the ITRF group ( itrf at ign.fr) if you have any questions or need assistance.

Sincerely Yours

Zuheir Altamimi

Head, ITRS Center

President, International Association of Geodesy

On 04/05/2020 at 14:23, Zuheir Altamimi wrote :

#000000;font-size: 10pt;”>
Author: Zuheir Altamimi

Dear Colleagues,

This email is addressed to the owners, operators and surveyors of ITRF Co-location sites.

I hope that you are all safe and healthy in this unprecedented and terrible pandemic situation.

In building and operating Core co-location sites, your contribution is fundamental to

global geodesy and to the ITRF in particular.

The four IAG services (IDS, IGS, ILRS and IVS) are currently reprocessing their data

in preparation for their contribution to the ITRF2020. The ITRF2020 Call for Participation

is available here:

Recent and past results of local surveys at ITRF co-location sites are solicited for inclusion

in ITRF2020 analysis. Local ties should be provided in SINEX format, with full variance covariance

information, together with a report if available.

If more than one local surveys were operated, at different epochs, we kindly ask you to make all

the results available: one SINEX per local survey results.

In the scope of the activity of the IAG working group WG 1.2.1 Methodology for surveying geodetic

instrument reference points (joint with IERS), co-location site survey and survey product metadata

are being collected. When submitting your local tie SINEX file(s), we kindly ask you to fill in and

send the excel sheet/form available at the following link:


Please submit your files to:

ITRS Center: itrf@ign.fr


IERS Central Bureau:

The IERS ITRS Product Center is particularly grateful to all the institutions that provide the necessary investment for the space geodetic observatories which constitute the main ITRF foundation.

Counting on your valuable contributions.

Sincerely Yours

Zuheir Altamimi

Head, ITRS Center

President, International Association of Geodesy

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