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SLR-Mail No.2697

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Date:2021-04-06 15:58:55
Sender:Urs Hugentobler <urs.hugentobler@tum.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2697: IAG 2021 Scientific Assembly: Session 1.3 "Terrestrial and space geodetic ties for multi-technique combinations"
Content:Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to Session 1.3 ”Terrestrial and
space geodetic ties for multi-technique combinations” of the upcoming
Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, taking
place as virtual meeting between June 28 - July 02, 2021.
Please consider to submit an abstract to this session. See
for this and other
sessions of the Commission 1 Symposium.

Abstract submission deadline is *30th April, 2021*

We are looking forward to your contributions. With apologies for

Best regards,
Urs Hugentobler, Krzysztof Sosnica, Weiping Jiang

Session 1.3: Terrestrial and space geodetic ties for multi-technique

Consistent combination of space geodetic techniques is a necessity for a
full exploitation of the relative strength of the techniques for the
generation of accurate and long-term stable geodetic products. Essential
for this task are precise ties between the different techniques,
co-located on ground and in space. This session aims at a review of the
state-of-the art and outlook to future prospects as well as assessment
of the impact on geodetic products of precision sight surveys,
monitoring of temporal variations of tie vectors, identification of
technique-specific biases, space geodetic combination methodologies, but
also of using additional and novel tie information such as intra- and
inter-technique tropospheric ties or ties realized through common clock
parameters at geodetic observatories, as well as exploitation of already
existing space ties such as SLR observations of GNSS satellites,
experiments of observing GNSS satellites with VLBI, and simulations of
the impact and benefit of future space co-location missions.
The following topics are of specific importance:
* Identification of technique-specific biases.
* Temporal variations of tie vectors at co-located stations.
* Intra- and inter-technique ties based on tropospheric parameters and
common clock parameters.
* Space-based ties using GNSS-satellite tracking via SLR or VLBI

Keywords: Terrestrial/space geodetic ties, terrestrial reference frames,
multi-technique combination, local tie vectors, co-located techniques,
tropospheric parameters, SLR-to-GPS tracking.

Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de