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SLR-Mail No.2720

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Date:2021-09-22 08:51:55
Sender:Soudarin Laurent <lsoudarin@groupcls.com>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2720: IDS announcement: DORIS Days 2021
Author:Laurent Soudarin, IDS Central Bureau
Content:Author: Laurent Soudarin, IDS Central Bureau

Dear colleagues,

The International DORIS Service (IDS) is organizing online ”DORIS Days” the third week of November 2021.
This IDS event aims at introducing the DORIS technique and at fostering the use of the IDS routine products to people who are not familiar with this satellite positioning technique.

Three sessions will be organized over three days for up to two hours with a target start time of 13:00 UTC.
* Session 1 - Day 1 - DORIS system, ground network, data flow, products, analysis
* Session 2 - Day 2 - Software, system performance (POD, station positioning, EOP), missions, applications
* Session 3 - Day 3 - DORIS Stations and Network: focus on Network, Antenna Environment, Operational and Geodetic requirements that factor into station installation.

If you are interested in participating to the online DORIS days, we kindly ask you to register at this URL:

More information (exact dates, time slots, program session, communication platform) will be given in the coming weeks and will be available on this web page:

If you have any question regarding the content or the organization, feel free to contact us at ids.central.bureau@ids-doris.org.

Best regards,

Laurent Soudarin
On behalf of the organization committee


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Author: Laurent Soudarin, IDS Central Bureau



Dear colleagues,


The International DORIS Service (IDS) is organizing online “DORIS Days” the third week of November 2021.

This IDS event aims at introducing the DORIS technique and at fostering the use of the IDS routine products to people who are not familiar with this satellite positioning technique.


Three sessions will be organized over three days for up to two hours with a target start time of 13:00 UTC.

·       Session 1 - Day 1 - DORIS system, ground network, data flow, products, analysis

·       Session 2 - Day 2 - Software, system performance (POD, station positioning, EOP), missions, applications

·       Session 3 - Day 3 - DORIS Stations and Network: focus on Network, Antenna Environment, Operational and Geodetic requirements that factor into station installation.


If you are interested in participating to the online DORIS days, we kindly ask you to register at this  URL:



More information (exact dates, time slots, program session, communication platform) will be given in the coming weeks and will be available on this web page:


If you have any question regarding the content or the organization, feel free to contact us at ids.central.bureau@ids-doris.org.




Best regards,


Laurent Soudarin

On behalf of the organization committee




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