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SLR-Mail No.2730

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Date:2021-12-07 00:41:07
Sender:Chris Moore <cmoore@eosspacesystems.com>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2730: 7825 STL3 Station Outage
Author:Christopher Moore
Content:From nobody Wed Dec 8 00:00:21 2021
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Author: Christopher Moore

Mt Stromlo SLR station 7825 experienced a lightning strike during a storm o=
n Thursday 2nd December at approximately 0530utc. This strike caused signi=
ficant equipment failure hence operations have been suspended. EOS Space sy=
stem staff (with support from Geoscience Australia) are endeavouring to re=
pair damage caused and return to operations as soon as possible. Outage wil=
l be at least one week, but may be longer depending on availability of comp=


Chris Moore
Manager Mt Stromlo SLR Station
EOS Space Systems Pty Limited
Mob +61 411 243 227 | Main 02 6222 7983
18 Wormald Street | Symonston ACT 2609 | Australia


[cid:image008.png@01D7EB5F.524AC010]o-optic-systems-pty-limited> [cid:image009.png@01D7EB5F.524AC010] /vimeo.com/user88927821>

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Author: Christopher Moore


Mt Stromlo SLR station 7825 experienced a lightning =
strike during a storm on Thursday  2nd December at approxim=
ately 0530utc. This strike caused significant equipment failure hence opera=
tions have been suspended. EOS Space system
staff (with support from Geoscience Australia)  are endeavouring to r=
epair damage caused and return to operations as soon as possible. Outage wi=
ll be at least one week, but may be longer depending on availability of com=




Chris Moore<=

Manager Mt Stromlo SLR=

EOS Space Systems Pty =

Mob +61 411 243=
| Main 02 6222 7983>

18 Wormald Street | Sy=
monston ACT 2609 | Australia


olor:#333532;text-decoration:none”>=3D”53” style=3D”width:1.5104in;height:.552in” id=3D”Picture_x0020_1” src=


ptic-systems-pty-limited”>”>t:.1666in” id=3D”Picture_x0020_2” src=3D”cid:image008.png@01D7EB5F.524AC010=
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y copying, distribution or use of this email is prohibited unless you are t=
he intended recipient. Before opening
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h this email (including due to viruses in any attachment) is limited to re-=
supplying this email and its attachment.


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