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SLR-Mail No.2747

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Date:2022-03-04 19:29:21
Sender:Zinovy Malkin <zmalkin@zmalkin.com>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2747: Re: GLONASS data policy at EDC
Content:My friends and colleagues!

Come to your senses before it´s too late!

You are destroying the building of our science, which was created by
several generations of scientists and engineers. You are not punishing
me and my Russian colleagues, but your numerous users who rely on the
the highest quality product from our service.

I think that discrimination of scientists on the basis of nationality,
citizenship, or political views is fascism, and just contradicts
American and European laws as I can understand them. Yes, I´m against
this war (notice that it´s lasting not 8 days but 8 years!), equally
I´m against other wars in other regions initiated by other countries.
I think the science should be well distanced from politics, and from
double standards so much used by politicians.

”Politicians work for themselves and for their electorate, and scientists
work for the whole of humanity. When the mind of a scientist begins
to belong to the government, and not to serve the common good, great
misfortunes happen, and in the history of science there are there are
enough sad episodes associated with this. Therefore, the duty of the
scientific community is not to divide, but to consolidate at such moments,
we are obliged to make every effort to restore the destroyed bridges
between communities, heal the wounds inflicted by political mistakes
and catastrophes, we are obliged to unite in order to protect what
belongs to everyone and raises man above the destructive instincts
of animals - Knowledge.”
- Hansjorg Schneider

With my best regards and hope that the common sense prevail,


Dr. Zinovy Malkin
Pulkovo Observatory
Pulkovskoe Sh. 65, St. Petersburg 196140, Russia
e-mail: malkin@gaoran.ru, zmalkin@zmalkin.com
Phone: +7-(812)-363-7442
Fax: +7-(812)-704-2427
Web: http://www.zmalkin.com

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