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SLR-Mail No.2757

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Date:2022-06-01 01:17:58
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo <t.otsubo@r.hit-u.ac.jp>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2757: Postponement of Kunming workshop and ILRS meeting plans for 2022, 2023 and 2024
Author:Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University
Content:Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University

Dear ILRS Colleagues,

Greetings from Tokyo. I hope you are all well.

Our Kunming colleagues, the host of this year´s workshop, notified me that
one more postponement is a realistic decision for them considering the current
situation. I also think it is reasonable.

[2023 and 2024]
We then contacted both Kunming and Arequipa LOC colleagues, and
the following meeting plans seem a realistic option for them and also
for the ILRS (confirmed by the GB):

ILRS Technical Workshop in Arequipa, Peru (16-20 October 2023)

International Workshop on Laser Ranging in Kunming, China (dates TBD)

Note that the dates of Arequipa workshop are newly set. The unexpectedly
long-time efforts of the Kunming and Arequipa colleagues serving as LOCs
should be truly appreciated.

Meanwhile, we intend to arrange an in-person or virtual meeting this autumn,
and the GB has just started the discussion. We will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Toshimichi Otsubo

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