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SLR-Mail No.2768

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Date:2022-08-16 10:47:52
Sender:=?iso-8859-1?Q?Manuel_S=E1nchez_Piedra?= <msanpie@roa.es>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2768: 7824 SFEL Replacement of the time-of-flight measurement system
Author:Manuel S
Content:Author: Manuel Snchez Piedra (SFEL San Fernando)

Dear colleagues,

After completing a period of characterization and validation of our data by
ILRS over the last few months, we plan to replace our SR620 Time Interval
counter Unit (TIU) with an A032 Event Timer Unit (ETU). The effective change
of the system is scheduled to take place on August 30 at 10:00 UTC. We will
report it in detail in our Station History Log days before.

Thanks and best regards

LT, Manuel Angel Snchez Piedra
Royal Observatory of Spanish Navy

Phone: +34 956 545 607
E-mail: msanpie@roa.es

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