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SLR-Mail No.2828

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Date:2023-12-20 10:44:46
Sender:&#8221;GGOS Coordinating Office&#8221; <co@ggos.org>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2828: Call for Nominations: Director of the GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations
Content:Dear Colleagues,

GGOS is seeking nominations for the position of Director of the GGOS Bureau
of Networks and Observations (GGOS-BNO). The outgoing Director, Michael
Pearlman, will be stepping down once we have a new GGOS-BNO Director. So,
this is your opportunity to take on this important leadership role!

A detailed job description, the required qualifications as well as the
nomination and election procedure can be found under the following link:


Michael Pearlman,

Detlef Angermann,

Laura Snchez

Dear Colleagues,


GGOS is seeking nominations for the position of Director of the GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations (GGOS-BNO). The outgoing Director, Michael Pearlman, will be stepping down once we have a new GGOS-BNO Director. So, this is your opportunity to take on this important leadership role!


A detailed job description, the required qualifications as well as the nomination and election procedure can be found under the following link: https://ggos.org/news/nomination-call-director-bno/



Michael Pearlman,

Detlef Angermann,

Laura Snchez


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