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SLR-Mail No.2833

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Date:2024-02-19 15:13:11
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2833: 8834 WLRS Two Color SLR Data
Content:Dear Colleagues,

since quite some time we are now collecting data from the second detection channel (532 nm) of 8834 WLRS up to LAGEOS orbit. The data has meanwhile passed our internal quality control and we would like to distribute it to the community. The fact that we will have data at 1064 and 532 nm then may lead to confusion. So please let us know, if there are any objections. Otherwise our plan is to start distributing the data early next week.

Kind regards,


Dear Colleagues,

since quite some time we are now collecting data from the second detection channel (532 nm) of 8834 WLRS up to LAGEOS orbit. The data has meanwhile passed our internal quality control and we would like to distribute it to the community. The fact that we
will have data at 1064 and 532 nm then may lead to confusion. So please let us know, if there are any objections. Otherwise our plan is to start distributing the data early next week.

Kind regards,


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