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SLR-Mail No.32

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Date:1996-11-26 10:00:00
Sender:Hiroo Kunimori, W. Seemueller <[Mailed EDC <slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 32: Registration for Tracking of ADEOS/RIS
Author:Hiroo Kunimori, W. Seemueller
SLR Electronic Mail 1996-11-26 10:00:00 UTC Message No. 32

Author: Hiroo Kunimori, W. Seemueller
Subject: Registration for Tracking of ADEOS/RIS

On behalf of Hiroo Kunimori, CRL/Japan, I want to inform you
that anyone who is going to track ADEOS/RIS satellite, has to
fill out the registration form (attached below), and then to
return it to the e-mail address kuni@crl.go.jp or ris@crl.go.jp.
(Be sure not to return it to the e-mail address
slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de by the reply function)

Hiroo Kunimori is the major contact person of RITAG (ADEOS/RIS
Tracking Support Co-ordination Group). RITAG is composed of
NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies), CRL
Communications Research Laboratory) and TACC/NASDA (Tsukuba
Tracking Control Center/National Space Agency in Japan), to
accomplish the mission successfully.

Please registrate before tracking the satellite ADEOS/RIS.

Hiroo Kunimori, CRL/Japan
Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC-DGFI/Germany

--------------------Cut here ----------------------
Attachment: Station Registration Form (Rev. 960817)

Any station which will attempt a laser tracking to ADEOS shall be
registered and authorized by RITAG on behalf of NASDA. This
information will be used for control and processing of ADEOS
tracking and for all the communication between stations and RITAG.
All the items should be filled out and returned to RITAG

Submission Status (NEW / REVISED):
Station ID (CDP 4 digits ID):
Station Name:
Other Site Name:
Agency Representative who is Responsible to Run the Station and
its Address:
Location Latitude:
System Name:
Laser Type:
Pulse Width (Typical):
Pulse Rate (Typical):
Energy in a Pulse (Typical):
Beam Divergence (Typical):
Minimum Elevation:
Single Shot Precision (Typical):
Daylight Ranging Capability (Y/N):
QLNP Generation Capability (Y/N):
Tracking Capability by Prediction Type TIRV (Y/N):
Contact Person and Mailing Address:
FTP GET/PUT Capability on Remote Analysis Center (Y/N):
Other Comments (Reference, Special Requirement about Prediction
and SLR Data, if any):

[Mailed From: EDC ]


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