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SLR-Mail No.331

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Date:1999-05-27 09:52:00
Sender:Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau <HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 331: Sunsat NP Bin Size
Author:Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-05-27 09:52:00 UTC Message No. 331

Author: Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
Subject: Sunsat NP Bin Size

The proper normal point bin size for Sunsat is 15 seconds. The normal
point window indicator, byte 43 in the ILRS NP format, for fifteen
seconds is ”3” .

Sorry for not including this information in the previous Sunsat message.

From: HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)


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