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SLR-Mail No.355

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Date:1999-06-24 10:44:00
Sender:Wang Tanqiang, SLR Beijing <[Mailed EDC <edc@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 355: Correct System Delay for Beijing SLR Station
Author:Wang Tanqiang, SLR Beijing
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-06-24 10:44:00 UTC Message No. 355

Author: Wang Tanqiang, SLR Beijing
Subject: Correct System Delay for Beijing SLR Station

Dear colleagues,
Due to a mistake of us, the system delay of Beijing station from 17th to
19th this month should be taken 24656mm off and sorry about the inconvenience.

Wang Tanqiang

[Mailed From: EDC ]


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