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SLR-Mail No.389

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Date:1999-08-02 09:05:00
Sender:Van S. Husson, ILRS Central Bureau <[Mailed Van S. Husson <dsgvsh@slral2.atsc.allied.com>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 389: New ILRS Fullrate Format
Author:Van S. Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-08-02 09:05:00 UTC Message No. 389

Author: Van S. Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
Subject: New ILRS Fullrate Format
for SLRMail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de; Sun, 1 Aug 1999 12:54:22 -0400

The new ILRS FR format is now on-line on the ILRS Web Site at

Below are the changes to the current description of the ILRS FR format
to make the contents of certain fields in the ILRS FR files consistent
with the ILRS NP format conventions:

Data prepared with the new conventions must contain a ´3´ in Byte 129
(the ILRS FR Format Version Number)

Bytes Field Name Change(s)
----------- ------------------------ ---------------------------
Bytes 58-64 Pass RMS Field name amended from
laser range standard
deviation to pass RMS to
agree with ILRS NP bytes
48-51 in the header record

Bytes 65-68 Wavelength Amended description of this
field to be consistent with
ILRS NP header bytes 21-24

Bytes 111-114 System Delay RMS Field name amended to be
consistent with ILRS NP
header bytes 39-42

Byte 115 Normal Point Window Amended description of this
field to be consistent with
ILRS NP header byte 43

Byte 121 Epoch Time Scale Amended description of this
field to be consistent with
ILRS NP header byte 44

Byte 126 System Calibration Method Amend field name and
and Delay Shift Indicator description of this field
to be consistent with ILRS
NP header byte 45

Byte 127 System Change Indicator Amend field name and
description of this field
to be consistent with ILRS
NP header byte 46

Byte 128 System Configuration Amend field name and
Indicator description of this field
to be consistent with ILRS
NP header byte 47

[Mailed From: ”Van S. Husson” ]


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