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Date:1999-08-13 07:44:00
Sender:Jim Slater/NIMA and Carey Noll/CDDIS <[Mailed Carey Noll <NOLL@CDDIS.GSFC.NASA.GOV>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 404: IGEX Workshop -- Third Circular
Author:Jim Slater
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-08-13 07:44:00 UTC Message No. 404

Author: Jim Slater/NIMA and Carey Noll/CDDIS
Subject: IGEX Workshop -- Third Circular

***Regrets in advance for the receipt of multiple copies of this email!***

Final Program and Registration Information

September 13-14, 1999
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.


The first coordinated international campaign to collect and analyze GLONASS
satellite data was held from October 19, 1998 through April 19, 1999. This
International GLONASS Experiment (IGEX-98) was jointly sponsored by the
International Association of Geodesy´s (IAG) Commission VIII for the
International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics
(CSTG), the Institute of Navigation´s (ION) GLONASS-GPS Interoperability
Working Group, the International GPS Service (IGS), and the International
Earth Rotation Service (IERS). The IGEX-98 Steering Committee, the ION and
the IGS are organizing a joint workshop on September 13-14, 1999 to discuss
the results of IGEX-98 and possible plans for the future. This workshop
will be held in conjunction with the ION Satellite Division´s 12th
International Technical Meeting GPS-99 in Nashville, Tennessee (U.S.).

The IGEX workshop will be run as a separate event prior to the GPS-99
conference. It will be held in the Nashville Convention Center, and will be
the forum for this year´s meeting of the ION GLONASS-GPS Interoperability
Working Group (GGIWG). A separate registration fee will be required for all
attendees of the workshop as indicated below. (Workshop attendees who also
wish to attend ION´s GPS-99 Technical Meeting after the workshop ends will
be required to pay the standard conference registration fee.)

The workshop will be an opportunity for participants to present and compare
their findings, observations, and analyses resulting from the IGEX campaign.
It will be a time to assess whether or not the objectives of the experiment
were met and to discuss future plans for using and supporting GLONASS.

Anyone is welcome to attend and participate.


The two-day workshop will consist of oral presentations, poster papers and
panel discussions. Abstracts for the papers can be found on the ION IGEX
web site at http://www.ion.org/workgroup.html. The posters will be
displayed for the entire two days. A dinner buffet with live music is
planned on Monday evening and is included as part of the registration fee.

Sunday, September 12, 1999

6:00 - 8:00 pm Registration (Renaissance Hotel lobby)

Monday, September 13, 1999

7:30 Registration (Nashville Convention Center, Rooms 103-104)


8:30 Welcome and Introduction
J. Slater, Chair, IGEX-98 Workshop Organizing Committee

8:45 ION GLONASS-GPS Interoperability Working Group
P. Misra, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

9:00 The GLONASS IGEX-98 Campaign: From Its Genesis to Its Realization
P. Willis, IGN; J. Slater, NIMA; W. Gurtner, University of Berne; C.
Noll, NASA GSFC; G. Beutler, University of Berne; R. Weber,
University of Technology, Vienna; R. Neilan, JPL; G. Hein, University
FAF Munich

9:30 GLONASS Operational Status and Plans
M. G. Lebedev, Coordination Scientific Information Center, Ministry
of Defense of the Russian Federation

10:00 GLONASS Constellation Maintenance, 1998-1999
G. Cook, Sequoia Research Corp.

10:15 GLONASS and the International Terrestrial Reference System
C. Boucher, IGN

10:30 BREAK


11:00 An Operational Evaluation of the JPS Legacy Receiver
P. Finer, W. Carter and R. Shrestha, University of Florida

11:15 ESA/ISN Dual-Frequency GPS/GLONASS Receiver
G. Brodin, D. Lowe, P. Daly, University of Leeds; P. Silvestrin, T.
Martin-Mur, I. Romero, J. Dow, European Space Agency

11:30 An Analysis of Dual-Frequency Receivers Used in the IGEX-98 Campaign
B. Wiley, NIMA

NETWORK OPERATIONS (Chair: W. Gurtner, University of Berne)

11:45 IGEX Network and Data Processing Organization
W. Gurtner, University of Berne

12:00 IGEX-98 Data Flow

12:15 LUNCH

1:45 BKG´s Operation of GPS/GLONASS Receivers and Its Regional IGEX Data
H. Habrich, BKG

2:00 Integrity Monitoring Software for GPS/GLONASS Reference Stations
K. de Jong, Delft University of Technology

(Chairs: W. Gurtner, University of Berne; R. Neilan, JPL)

3:45 BREAK

TIME AND TIME TRANSFER (Chair: W. Lewandowski, BIPM)

4:15 Recent Progress in Time Metrology and a Role for GLONASS
W. Lewandowski, BIPM

4:30 An Experiment of Transatlantic GLONASS P-Code Time Transfer Using
IGEX Precise Ephemerides
J. Nawrocki, Borowiec Astrogeodynamical Observatory; A. Drozyner,
University of Olsztyn; J. Azoubib, W. Lewandowski, BIPM; P. Nogas,
Borowiec Astrogeodynamical Observatory

4:45 Computation of GLONASS Precise Ephemerides for International Time
A. Drozyner, University of Olsztyn

5:00 Dual Frequency GLONASS Measurements and Their Impact on Ionospheric
Compensation for Precise Time Transfer Applications
J. Beser, 3S Navigation

7:00 - 10:00 RECEPTION (Dinner Buffet and Live Music, Nashville Room,
Renaissance Hotel)

Tuesday, September 14

8:30 Welcome and Introduction to Workshop Day 2
C. Noll, Co-chair, IGEX-98 Workshop Organizing Committee

ORBIT DETERMINATION (Chair: R. Weber, University of Technology, Vienna)

8:45 Results of CODE as an Analysis Center of the IGEX-98 Campaign
D. Ineichen, M. Rothacher, T. Springer, G. Beutler, University of

9:00 IGEX Analysis at BKG
H. Habrich, BKG

9:15 GLONASS Data Analysis at ESA/ESOC
T. Martin-Mur, J. Dow, C. Garcia, I. Romero, European Space Agency;
P. Daly, University of Leeds; P. Silvestrin, European Space Agency

9:30 Determination of GLONASS Satellite Orbit at JPL - Approach and
D. Kuang, Y. Bar-Sever, W. Bertiger, K. Hurst, J. Zumberge, JPL

9:45 Determination of Precise Ephemeris Data of GLONASS Satellites in
PZ-90 Coordinate System
Y. Bazlov, V. Maksimov, V. Rogozin, Topographic Service, Ministry of
Defense of the Russian Federation

10:00 GLONASS Precise Orbits as a Result of the IGEX-98 Laser Tracking
V. Glotov, Russian Mission Control Center; V. Mitrikas, Geo-ZUP; M.
Zinkovski, Russian Mission Control Center

10:15 BREAK

10:45 SLR GLONASS Orbit Determination
R. Govind, J. Dawson, G. Luton, Australian Surveying and Land
Information Group

11:00 Comparison of Precise GLONASS Ephemerides Obtained from the IGEX
R. Weber, E. Fragner, University of Technology, Vienna

11:15 Comparison of Precise SLR Orbits of the GLONASS Satellites with
Microwave-based Orbits
G. Appleby, NERC; T. Otsubo, Communications Research Laboratory; A.
Sinclair, NERC

APPLICATIONS (Chair: V. Mitrikas, Geo-ZUP)

11:30 IGEX - A Regional Analysis of Data from the Southern Hemisphere
M. Stewart, M. Tsakiri, J. Wang, J. Monico, Curtin University of

11:45 Applications of Precise IGEX-98 Satellite Orbits in Medium-Range
Fast Static and Kinematic GPS/GLONASS Positioning
J. Wang, M. Stewart, M. Tsakiri, T. Forward, Curtin University of

12:00 PZ-90 GLONASS to ITRF Transformation as a Result of the IGEX-98
Laser Tracking Campaign
V. Mitrikas, Geo-ZUP; S. Revnivych, M. Zinkovski, V. Glotov, Russian
Mission Control Center

12:15 LUNCH

1:45 PZ-90/WGS 84 Transformation Parameters Directly from GLONASS Range
U. Rossbach, IfEN

2:00 Transformation between PZ-90 and WGS 84
Y. Bazlov, V. Maksimov, V. Rogozin, Topographic Services, Ministry
of Defense of the Russian Federation; M. Pratt, R. Abbot, P. Misra,
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

(Chair: P. Misra, MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

3:15 BREAK

(Chairs: G. Beutler, University of Berne; P. Willis, IGN)

Position Paper: The Future of IGEX-98
G. Beutler, University of Berne; P. Willis, IGN



Static Positioning with GPS/GLONASS
N. Arai, Electronic Navigation Research Institute

GLONASS Orbit Validation by Short-Arc Techniques
F. Barlier, C. Berger, P. Bonnefond, P. Exertier, O. Laurain, J. Mangin, J.
Torre, Observatoire de la Cote d´Azure

IGEX Activities in Sweden
J. Borjesson, J. Johansson, Onsala Space Observatory; A. Frisk, G. Hedling,
B. Jonsson, National Land Survey of Sweden

Geodetic GPS/GLONASS Antenna Measurements
T. Clark, NASA GSFC, B. Schupler, AlliedSignal Technical Services Corp.

GLONASS Observation Experience of the Central Research Institute of Geodesy,
Aerial Surveying and Cartography in the Frame of IGEX-98
G. V. Demianov, V. I. Kaftan, N. L. Makarenko, N. A. Mayorov, R. A.
Tatevian, Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and
Cartography; V. J. Iodis, Javad Positioning Systems

Repeatability of Continental Baselines within the IGEX Network
E. Fragner, R. Weber, University of Technology, Vienna

ILRS System Performance in Support of IGEX
V. Husson, O. Brogdon, J. M. Heinick, J. Horvath, S. Wetzel, AlliedSignal
Technical Services Corp.; M. Pearlman, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

GLONASS Orbit Determination at the Center for Space Research
R. S. Nerem, W. Bamford, R. J. Eanes, K. Key, B. E. Schutz, T. Wynne,
University of Texas at Austin

The IGEX Data Center at the CDDIS
C. Noll, NASA GSFC; M. Dube, Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific

Altimetric Ionospheric Correction Using DORIS and GLONASS Data
N. Picot, P. Escudier, CNES; S. Labroue, Collecte et Localisation par

LRBA as an Observation Center: Difficulties and Positive Aspects
C. Vigneau, Laboratoire de Recherches Balistiques et Aerodynamiques

Discussion of Loss of Lock on L1 or L2 Frequency
B. Wiley, NIMA

Analytical Solar Radiation Pressure Model for GLONASS: Algorithm and Initial
M. Ziebart, University of East London


Registration is required for all persons planning to attend the workshop and
all guests who plan to attend the Monday evening reception. A registration
fee of $75.00 payable at the workshop will be required from each person
attending. The fee for guests just attending the reception is $55.00 per
person. No one will be admitted to the reception unless they have
registered. The pre-registration deadline is August 28, 1999. We STRONGLY
request that all presenters and attendees pre-register. The
pre-registration form can be found at the ION IGEX web site at

Participants will be able to register on Sunday evening, September 12, from
6:00 - 8:00 pm in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel. On Monday and
Tuesday, September 13 and 14, registration will take place at the Convention
Center in front of rooms 103-104 beginning at 7:30 am. Payment may be made
at the on-site registration desk using cash, check, VISA, Mastercard, or
American Express.


Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes. Presenters should plan to
limit their talks to 12 minutes and allow 2 minutes for questions. The
panel discussions during the workshop will be used for more detailed
questions and answers on the work presented. One 35 mm slide projector and
one overhead projector will be available for use. A table will be available
in the meeting room for speakers to leave copies of their presentations for
distribution if desired.


Poster boards will be set up beginning 7:30 am on Monday, September 13 in
the meeting room area, Rooms 103-104 in the Convention Center. The maximum
poster dimensions are 3 ft. x 4 ft. The posters must be left up for both
days of the workshop. A table will be available in the meeting room for
authors to leave copies of their presentations for distribution if desired.


Final manuscripts for all papers including poster paper summaries are
requested by September 30, 1999 to facilitate publication in the workshop
proceedings by the IGS Central Bureau. Instructions for submission of
papers are available on the IGS Central Bureau web site


The workshop will be held in the Nashville Convention Center, Rooms 103-104.
The Convention Center is located at 601 Commerce Street and is attached to
the Renaissance Nashville Hotel which is at 611 Commerce Street in downtown
Nashville. Parking at the Convention Center is available across the street
from the Renaissance Hotel at a cost of $5.00 per day (without any in or out

Participants can register Sunday evening, prior to the start of the
workshop, in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel. Registration Monday and
Tuesday will be located in front of rooms 103-104 in the Convention Center.
The Monday evening reception will be held in the Nashville Room of the
Renaissance Hotel.


Ground transportation from Nashville International Airport is available on
the first floor level of the airport. Shuttles and taxicabs depart
regularly. A customer service attendant is stationed outside of the
terminal building from 6:30 am to 11:00 pm to provide assistance with any
type of ground transportation. Grayline Downtown Airport Express Shuttle
offers transportation to all the downtown hotels for a rate of $9.00 one way
or $15.00 round-trip. Shuttles depart every 15 minutes. Taxi fare is
approximately $20.00 each way. The Institute of Navigation has arranged
group rates for automobile rental. Contact ALAMO RENT-A-CAR at
1-800-732-3232 (international reservation requests may be faxed to
1-954-769-4700) and refer to GROUP ID No. 445879 and RATE CODE GR to receive
the special ION GPS ´99 rental rates: Economy Car $33 per day/$149 per week;
Compact Car $35 per day/$159 per week. Other rental car companies also
operate from the airport.

Average temperatures in Nashville in September are 71-75 deg F (22-24 deg C)
during the day and 49-52 deg F (9-11 deg C ) in the evening.

Nashville is known as Music City, U.S.A. It is the home of countless
musicians and songwriters, the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of
Fame. Bluegrass, jazz and other styles of music can also be found in
Nashville. Other attractions include Belle Meade Plantation (a 19th century
Greek revival mansion), The Hermitage (home of Andrew Jackson, seventh
President of the U.S.), The Parthenon (full-scale reproduction of Greek
temple), Van Vechten Art Gallery at Fisk University, and riverboat rides.

A few of the hotels in the vicinity of the Convention Center are listed
below. In order to obtain the conference rates for the hotels, you must
inform the hotel that you are attending the Institute of Navigation meeting.

Renaissance (Headquarters Hotel, adjacent to the Convention Center): Phone
615-255-8400; $116 single/double per night, $136 club level per night
Crowne Plaza: Phone 615-259-2000; $111 single/double per night
Doubletree Hotel: Phone 615-244-8200; $99 single per night, $109 double per
Union Station Hotel: Phone 615-726-1001; $111 single per night, $131 double
per night
ClubHouse Inn: Phone 615-244-0150

Information about registering for the ION Satellite Division Meeting GPS ´99
and general information about Nashville is available on the ION web site at
http://www.ion.org or the Nashville web site
http://www.nashville.citysearch.com. Questions can be addressed to the
Chair or Co-chair of the Organizing Committee.


Jim Slater, Chair
E-mail: slaterja@acq.osd.mil
Phone: 703-588-7431

Carey Noll, Co-chair
E-mail: noll@cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone: 301-614-6542

Werner Gurtner, Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Switzerland
Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, Bur. Int´l des Poids et Mesures, France
Pratap Misra, M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratories, U.S.A. (misra@ll.mit.edu)
Ruth Neilan, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, U.S.A.
Robert Weber, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Pascal Willis, Institut Geographique National, France

[Mailed From: Carey Noll ]


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