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SLR-Mail No.418

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Date:1999-08-26 08:21:00
Sender:Van S. Husson, ILRS CB <HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 418: Important Noitce on SLRmail
Author:Van S. Husson, ILRS CB
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-08-26 08:21:00 UTC Message No. 418

Author: Van S. Husson, ILRS CB
Subject: Important Noitce on SLRmail

Recently some SLRmail messages have not been exploded automatically
because of syntax problems.

This is a reminder that the Author line in SLRmail messages is case
sensitive. So the Author line must be ´Author:´

´AUTHOR:´ or ´author:´ will not be accepted.

From: HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)


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