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SLR-Mail No.42

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Date:1997-02-24 10:00:00
Sender:Guiseppe Bianco, ASI/CGS <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 42: Eight General Assembly of the WEGENER Project (WEGENER 97) - 1st Circular
Author:Guiseppe Bianco, ASI
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-02-24 10:00:00 UTC Message No. 42

Author: Guiseppe Bianco, ASI/CGS
Subject: Eight General Assembly of the WEGENER Project (WEGENER 97) - 1st Circular

First Announcement
Eight General Assembly of the WEGENER Project


Pianeta Maratea, Maratea (PZ), Italy
9-12 June, 1997

The eight General Assembly of the WEGENER
Project will be held at the Grand Hotel Pianeta
Maratea, located in Maratea (PZ), Italy.
Pianeta Maratea is a modern and comfortable resort
located about 250 km south of Naples, in one of the
most beautiful spots on the Italian shore. It is fully
organized for meetings and conferences.

Organization of the Conference

The eighth General Assembly of WEGENER will be
held on June 9-11, 1997. June 12 will be dedicated to
a meeting of the Directing Board of the IAG SC6.
During the three days of the General Assembly, the
scientific program will include invited as well as
contributed papers focusing on the scientific
objectives of the WEGENER Project.

Organizing Committee

* Prof. Susanna Zerbini, President of WEGENER
* Dr. Hans-Peter Plag, Chairman of the WEGENER
Science Advisory Committee
* Dr. Ing. Bernd Richter, Chairman of the
WEGENER Technology Committee
* Prof. Sergio De Julio, President of the Italian
Space Agency (ASI)
* Dr. Giuseppe Bianco, Head of the ASI´s Space
Geodesy Center ”G. Colombo”


Registration fee, Lit. 250.000 (about 150 US$), will
include several social events, coffee breaks and
conference documentation.

Accomodation and meals

A block of double rooms has been reserved at the
Grand Hotel Pianeta Maratea, the place of the
Conference. A buffet lunch, at a special rate, will be
arranged at Pianeta Maratea.
The full-board accomodation fare (including
breakfast, lunch buffet and dinner) is Lit. 205.000
(about 120 US$) per day per person; the additional
cost for a second person in the same room, full board,
is Lit. 125.000 (about 75 US$) per day per person.

Arrival information/transportation

Maratea can be reached by car, taking the A3
highyway in the South direction (Napoli-Salerno-
Reggio Calabria), exiting it at Lagonegro and going
on the state road SS585. Maratea is located about 42
km from this exit. In total it would be a 280 km ride
from Naples.
A service, according to requests, may be organized
from/to the closest international airport

Local Contact

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Centro di Geodesia Spaziale ”G. Colombo”
75100 Matera (MT), Italy
attn.: Dr. Francesco Vespe
Tel. +39-835-377211
Fax +39-835-339005
e-mail: vespe@asimt0.mt.asi.it


Please, fill and return the following form (even via e-
mail) to the local contact´s address within March 10,


Eight General Assembly of the

Pre-registration form

o I will definitely participate

o I will present a paper: Tentative title:


o I may participate

o I will need transportation from/to the closest
airport (Naples).

Full name: .............................................

Institution: ...........................................




ZIP: ...................... Country:....................


This circular is also being sent via ordinary mail and
posted on the ASI WWW Server (http://www.asi.it).

The second circular will be mailed to those who will
reply to this Announcement.



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