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Date:1999-09-06 10:01:00
Sender:Werner Gurtner <slrmail (EDC)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 429: Florence: Calibration Scheme Topic
Author:Werner Gurtner
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-09-06 10:01:00 UTC Message No. 429

Author: Werner Gurtner
Subject: Florence: Calibration Scheme Topic

>From gurtner@ubeclu.unibe.chMon Sep 6 09:59:47 1999

Calibration Schemes

23+24 September 1999
University of Florence, Italy

Dear colleagues,

the call for participation for the SLR System Calibration Colloqium in
Florence stated:

”Since the review and documentation of calibration practices
is the major goal for this colloquium all stations are asked
to provide input in form of viewgraphs, tables or written
procedures, which are discussed during the colloquium. The
chairmen are asked to act as moderators, who keep the
discussion focused and conclusion orientated.”

May I ask the representatives of the laser observatories attending the
colloquium to be prepared to discuss the issues of

calibration procedures and schemes,

especially of course with respect to your own system.

Below I have listed a few topics that should be addressed during the

Calibration to external target:

Pre-pass, post-pass, pre- and post pass, interleaved calibration:

- Criteria for how often, how long
- How to compute actual values to use as range correction
(Interpolation in time, filtering, smoothing, etc)
- Path length changes in the telescope between target direction
and satellite directions

Maximum target distance, refraction corrections

Calibration to internal target

(Internal being ”within the telescope or laser setup”)

- Criteria for how often, how long (extreme: single shot calibration)
- How to compute actual values to use as range correction
- Surveyed targets (with measured optical path length correction) versus
fictitious target within system

Internal vs. External

Where are the major advantages/disadvantages? Do we need both?

Some keywords: Azimuth/elevation dependence, check of variations
across beam width, flexibility (rapid changes in system delays),
satellite-dependent calibration scheme, reliability, all-weather capability

Other topics:

- Attenuation of calibration return signal levels to the satellite returns
(i.e. satellite-dependent calibration vs. common calibration)
- Maintenance and accessibility of calibration history

Related Topics:

- Target designs will obviously be dealt with by John Luck ”Target design
and Local Survey”.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Best regards

Werner Gurtner

(Calibration Schemes)

From: slrmail (EDC)
[Mailed From: WERNER GURTNER ]


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