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SLR-Mail No.447

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Date:1999-09-16 21:30:00
Sender:Ulrich Schreiber <[Mailed U. Schreiber <schreiber@wettzell.ifag.de>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 447: Florence Meeting
Author:Ulrich Schreiber
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-09-16 21:30:00 UTC Message No. 447

Author: Ulrich Schreiber
Subject: Florence Meeting

Dear Colleagues!
For those of you who wish to go to the Florence Meeting, but have not
registered yet, I want to bring the following details of a venue change
to attention. The message was sent by the organizer a few weeks ago.
Further information (map etc.) is available from the SPIE website at:

I am looking forward to meet you at Florence

Kind regards! Ulrich Schreiber


Please note the following new information and venue addresses:

Monday 20 september
08.00 - 10.00 hrs. Conference Registration in front of the Aula Magna of
the University of Florence
09.00 - 12.00 hrs. Opening Plenary Session at the Aula Magna, University
of Florence Via G. Lapira/Piazza San Marco

11.00-18.00 hrs Conference Registration at the Palazzo degli Affari &
Palazzo degli Congressi, Piazza Adua 1, 50123 Florence
14.00-18.00 hrs Start of conferences at the Palazzo degli Affari

[Mailed From: ”U. Schreiber” ]


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