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Date:1999-12-07 10:39:00
Sender:John J. Degnan <[Mailed John Degnan <jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 504: Honors for our colleague, Martine Feissel
Author:John J. Degnan
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-12-07 10:39:00 UTC Message No. 504

Author: John J. Degnan
Subject: Honors for our colleague, Martine Feissel
for ; Mon, 6 Dec 1999 17:10:31 -0500 (EST)

Gerhard Beutler circulated this to the IGS community. I thought the good
news should be forwarded to the SLR community.

>Dear colleagues and friends,
>we would like to draw your attention to a few events having taken place
>in Bern, Switzerland during the weekend of December 3-5, 1999. The
>events are related ”in a certain sense” and ”to some extent” to
>fundamental astronomy, geodynamics, and to geodetic services:
>On December 4, 1999, on the occasion of the ”Dies Academicus” of the
>University of Bern, Martine Feissel was presented the distinguished
>degree of a
> ”Doctor philosophiae honoris causa, Dr. h.c”
>based on the following considerations (”laudatio”):
>” Martine Feissel
> quae semper maximo studio dedit operam, ut in rebus, quae ad
> fundamentalem quae dicitur scientiam astronomicam et ad virium
> motuumque terrarum doctrinam pertinent, investigatorum consuetudines
> et connexiones non modo inter gentes sed etiam inter disciplinas
> augerentur; quae illud institutum condidit, quod ”Inernational Earth
> Rotation Service” (omnium gentium ad terrae rotationem observandam
> sedes) apellatur; quae in ea sede et condenda et per multos annos
> administranda optime est merita.”
>For those of us having forgotten some of the Latin we learned at school
>the following ”executive summary” may be helpful:
> ”To Martine Feissel
> the great promotor of international and interdisciplinary
> collaboration in Fundamental Astronomy and Geodynamics in
> recognition of her merits when creating and directing the
> Central Bureau of the International Earth Rotation
> Service (IERS).”
>(Admittedly the latin original is much more elegant ...).
>During the ceremony the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Prof.
>Adrian Pfiffner, briefly reviewed Martine Feissel´s ”Curriculum
>He reminded the audience that Martine Feissel was deeply involved in
>the attempts in the 1970s and 1980s to exploit new and exciting
>observation techniques like VLBI and SLR through international
>collaboration in geodynamics and astronomy. This active and apparent
>engagement was one important reason why the responsibility to build up
>and run the Central Bureau of the IERS was in 1987 given to the
>Observatoire de Paris and that Martine Feissel became its first
>Director. She held this position till the end of the year 1997 when she
>decided to step back and leave this position to another colleague.
>The dean pointed out that through her scientific work and in particular
>through her activities as Director of the IERS Central Bureau, she
>contributed in a significant way to realize the vision of our
>generation of scientists in fundamental astronomy and geodynamics,
>viewing the celestial and terrestrial reference systems/frames and the
>transformation between them as one ”intimately connected complex in
>Earth Sciences”.
>He furthermore mentioned that, according to his understanding, the IERS
>was not really responsible for Earth Rotation but only for monitoring
>this phenomenon. He found it moreover remarkable that Martine Feissel
>used her power to add eight (leap-)seconds to our individual lifetimes
>(we hope that the faculty of theology will accept this view of facts).
>Prof. Adrian Pfiffner found it appropriate to conclude with Dr. h.c.
>Martine Feissel´s life motto, which she owes to Charles Baudelaire:
>”Je laisse derriere moi, pour ma part sans regret, un monde ou l´action
> n´est pas la soeur du reve.”
>(for those among us even forgetting the French we learned in School,
>this means: ”I leave behind me, without regret, a world in which action
>is not the sister of the dream”).
>The weekend of December 3-5 in Bern was filled with many activities
>centered around the new Dr.h.c. We cannot comment all of them in this
>short report but we would like to note that Prof. Christian Reigber,
>Chairman of the IERS Directing Board, came to Bern to review the
>achievement of the IERS in the past decade and to develop his visions
>concerning the future of the IERS in a special Colloquium of the
>Physics and Astronomy Institutes of the University of Bern organized in
>honor of Martine Feissel. The presentation was complemented by
>Martine´s personal perspective of her interdisciplinary field of
>science and her consistent views on international collaboration in our
>exciting field of science.
>We would like to conclude by congratulating Dr.h.c. Martine for her
>achievements in her scientific career and by expressing the hope that
>she will continue devoting her energy to the improvement of the
>international collaboration in our field of science.
>On behalf of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern
> Gerhard Beutler
Dr. John J. Degnan
Chairperson, ILRS Governing Board
Code 920.3, Geoscience Technology Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
Phone: 01-301-614-5860
Fax: 01-301-614-5970
E-mail: jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov

[Mailed From: John Degnan ]


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