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SLR-Mail No.51

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Date:1997-04-14 17:00:00
Sender:Giuseppe Bianco, CGS/ASI, Matera, Italy <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 51: 8th General Assembly of the WEGENER Project
Author:Giuseppe Bianco, CGS
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-04-14 17:00:00 UTC Message No. 51

Author: Giuseppe Bianco, CGS/ASI, Matera, Italy
Subject: 8th General Assembly of the WEGENER Project
Subject: 8th General Assembly of the WEGENER Project

Dear colleagues

we are now preparing the 2nd circular for the WEGENER conference to be
held in Maratea, Italy, June 9-13.

This is to kindly ask everybody interested in the conference to submit
their pre-registration AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (obviously if they still
haven´t done it already), in order not to be excluded from the mailing

A copy of the pre-registration form is available on the Web at the
following URL:


Looking forward to seeing you in Maratea,

best regards

Giuseppe Bianco


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