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SLR-Mail No.540

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Date:2000-01-26 14:43:00
Sender:M.Medvedsky SLR Kiev <Mikhail Medvedsky <medved@mao.kiev.ua>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 540: SLR Kiev is beging tracking!
Author:M.Medvedsky SLR Kiev
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-01-26 14:43:00 UTC Message No. 540

Author: M.Medvedsky SLR Kiev
Subject: SLR Kiev is beging tracking!
Subject: SLR station is beging tracking!
Subject: SLR station is beging tracking!

I can inform you that SLR station Kiev begin
to work from 2000, Januar, 22 .
We send the QL-NP SLR data from Kiev (1824).
I am sorry for the one error in our software. The NP for AJISAI
at Januar 23 and TOPEX at Januar 22 have not correct meteo!
The preasure value must be multiply on
the temperature is given in Celsium Deg.
We corrected this problem.

Best regards,
Mikhail Medvedsky.

From: Mikhail Medvedsky


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