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SLR-Mail No.605

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Date:2000-05-11 16:45:00
Sender:Horst Mueller <EDC slrmail account <slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 605: Bug in EDC slrmail system
Author:Horst Mueller
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-05-11 16:45:00 UTC Message No. 605

Author: Horst Mueller
Subject: Bug in EDC slrmail system

Dear colleagues,

unfortunately we had a bug in our email system. Therefore
you received a number of slrmails containing messages on
undeliverable mails. We apologize for that mishap.

We have turned off that process and hope these emails
will stop.

Best regards

EDC (p.p. Horst Mueller, Beate Forberg)

From: EDC slrmail account


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