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Date:2000-07-28 16:50:00
Sender:Giuseppe Bianco, ASI/CGS, Matera, Italy <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 643: 12th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
Author:Giuseppe Bianco, ASI
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-07-28 16:50:00 UTC Message No. 643

Author: Giuseppe Bianco, ASI/CGS, Matera, Italy
Subject: 12th International Workshop on Laser Ranging

Dear colleagues,
the new firm dates for the workshop are 13-17 november 2000.
We apologize for any troubles this rearrangement might have caused.
The web page has been updated: see


A few reminders:

1) A few proposed chairpersons have not reacted yet: G. Beutler, P.
Shelus, Y. FuMin, J. Luck, G. Appleby, U. Schreiber. They are kindly
asked to do so as soon as possible.
2) The organizers of possible splinter meetings (e.g. ILRS, Eurolas,
WPLTN, etc.) are kindly asked to specify their needs in terms of
logistics and time slots.
4) Contributors are kindly asked to send title and abstract of their
proposed presentation(s) to both the relevant chairpersons and to me. A
more detailed program will be prepared accordingly.
3) Like most Italians, I´ll be on vacation for the whole month of
August. I´ll try to check my e-mail from time to time, anyway I´ll
restart to work on the organization at the beginning of September.

A few people will receive several copies of this message.

Best regards

Giuseppe Bianco


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