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SLR-Mail No.665

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Date:2000-10-03 17:29:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman <Mike Pearlman <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 665: Nominations for the At Large Representatives to the ILRS Governing Board
Author:Mike Pearlman
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-10-03 17:29:00 UTC Message No. 665

Author: Mike Pearlman
Subject: Nominations for the At Large Representatives to the ILRS Governing Board
Subject: At Large Representatives to the ILRS Governing Board
Subject: At Large Representatives to the ILRS Governing Board

Dear Colleagues:

The next ILRS Governing Board will be installed at the General
Assembly Meeting in Matera in November. We are in the
process of electing the two At Large Representatives to the new
Board. Nominations are now open.

All members of the ILRS are eligible to be nominated as long as they
do not occupy another position on the new Board. It is important to
consider that At Large positions should be used to provide the Board
with the best mix of talents.

All members of the ILRS may submit up to two nominations for the At
Large Representative positions to the Central Bureau. All members of
the ILRS may vote in the subsequent election.

So far the following positions on the new Board have been filled:

Director of the Central Bureau John Bosworth
Secretary of the Central Bureau Mike Pearlman
President of IAG Section 2 Hermann Drewes
IERS Representative Bob Schutz

EUROLAS Network Representatives -
Werner Gurtner
Wolfgang Schlueter
NASA Network Representatives -
John Degnan
David Carter
WPLTN Representatives -
Hiroo Kunimori
Yang FuMin
Data Center Representative -
Wolfgang Seemueller
Analysis Representives -
Ron Noomen
Graham Appleby
LLR Representative -
Peter Shelus

Nominations are now open for the two At Large Representatives. Please
submit your nominations for candidates to the Central Bureau by
October 6. Elections from among the submitted candidates will follow.

We await your nominations.

Sincerely yours,

Mike Pearlman
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau

Dr. Michael R. Pearlman
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge MA 02138
tel. (617) 495-7481
fax. (617) 495-7105
e-mail. mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu

From: ”Mike Pearlman”


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