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Date:2000-10-17 14:00:00
Sender:Peter Sperber <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 675: Papers for Session: Timing Systems and Calibration
Author:Peter Sperber
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-10-17 14:00:00 UTC Message No. 675

Author: Peter Sperber
Subject: Papers for Session: Timing Systems and Calibration

12th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
Matera, Italy, 13-17 November 2000

Timing Systems and Calibration

Dear colleagues,

this is a call to ask you to deliver the Title and Abstracts of your papers
for the session about


the deadline for this abstract submission is October 27.

The following list shows some topics covered by this session:

- technology and performance of new timing devices
- problems and improvements of existing timing devices
- errors in different calibration techniques
- calibration stability
- calibration techniques for sub-mm accuracy

Please submit your abstract to Giuseppe Bianco
and to one of the Chairman (John Luck, Peter

Looking forward to meet you in Matera,

Peter Sperber


Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de