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SLR-Mail No.687

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Date:2000-11-06 14:11:00
Sender:Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau <Husson, Van <Van.Husson@honeywell-tsi.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 687: Options for NP Delivery (rev 1)
Author:Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
SLR Electronic Mail 2000-11-06 14:11:00 UTC Message No. 687

Author: Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau
Subject: Options for NP Delivery (rev 1)

Dear Colleagues,

There was an error in the original SLRmail message #0684
Titled ”Options for NP Delivery from ILRS Stations”

The node name for EDC was incorrect (the IP address was
correct). The correct EDC node name is

ftp.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de .

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Van Husson, ILRS Central Bureau

From: ”Husson, Van”


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