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SLR-Mail No.70

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Date:1997-07-01 14:00:00
Sender:Roger Wood, SLR Herstmonceux <slr@gxvf.rgo.ac.uk (SLR at Herstmonceux)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 70: Standard TBFs - end of trial period
Author:Roger Wood, SLR Herstmonceux
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-07-01 14:00:00 UTC Message No. 70

Author: Roger Wood, SLR Herstmonceux
Subject: Standard TBFs - end of trial period

This note announces the beginning of full operational distribution of
Standard Time Bias Functions (TBFs) and the end of the trial period.
The main consequence for observing stations will be that, from 1997
July 15, TBFs will be distributed only in the standard format: all
other distribution formats will be discontinued. Stations which have
not yet done so are urged to make the simple format changes to enable
them to process standard format TBFs. Any stations experiencing
difficulty with this timescale should contact TBF providers direct to
request special treatment.

All providers of TBFs are urged to cast them in the standard format and
send them to the clearing house (slr@gxvf.rgo.ac.uk) for daily, global
distribution via the European Data Centre.

The intention (networks permitting) is to email a file of the latest
TBFs to the global community at about 1600 UT each day. Additional
mailings may also be made at any time if there are significant changes
in the TBFs of ”difficult” satellites like GFZ-1. Every mailed file
will contain the TBFs of all current satellites, updated to include
any TB data available since the last mailing. Each mailed file will
also be deposited in the EDC and RGO Cambridge databases for retrieval
via anonymous FTP.

Roger Wood, NERC Satellite Laser Ranger Facility, Herstmonceux Castle
Hailsham, East Sussex, UK BN27 1RP
Tel: +44 (01323) 833888
Fax: +44 (01323) 833929 Email: rw@gxvf.rgo.ac.uk

From: slr@gxvf.rgo.ac.uk (SLR at Herstmonceux)


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