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SLR-Mail No.726

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Date:2001-01-29 18:20:00
Sender:Franz-Heinrich Massmann, GFZ/D-PAF Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany <Christian Ackermann <ackerman@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 726: ERS-2 Anomaly
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-01-29 18:20:00 UTC Message No. 726

Author: Franz-Heinrich Massmann, GFZ/D-PAF Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Subject: ERS-2 Anomaly

ERS-2 Anomaly

Dear colleagues,

Please find below a short update on the ERS-2 status
as being reported by ESA:

- On January 27/28 a series of manoeuvres have been
performed in order to initiate a drift of the orbit
back to the nominal one (meanwhile 30 km apart).

- On February 3-5 the drift will be stopped and then
the instruments will be switched-on again.

As the instruments will not be available before
Feb. 3, there is no need to restart the SLR tracking
earlier. So we intend to provide new predictions not
before Feb. 3.

We will keep you informed.

Best regards
Franz-Heinrich Massmann

From: Christian Ackermann


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