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Date:2001-02-02 16:20:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman <Mike Pearlman <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 730: (Fwd) SUNSAT
Author:Mike Pearlman
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-02-02 16:20:00 UTC Message No. 730

Author: Mike Pearlman
Subject: (Fwd) SUNSAT

Dear Colleagues:

We have received the following messsge from the SUNSAT Project at the
University of Stellenbosch. Contact with the satellite has been lost
and no further SLR activity is contemplated.

In its short lifetime, the SUNSAT satellite has had considerable
success as summarized below. We wish congratulate the University of
Stellenbosch and all of those who worked on the project.


Mike Pearlman
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau

SUNSAT Press Release 1 February 2001

The End of SUNSAT´s Functional Life in Orbit

We regret to announce that the last communication with SUNSAT
from our ground station at the Electronic Systems Laboratory
at Stellenbosch University took place on Friday, 19 January 2001
at 15:22:37 UTC. We are certain, after having performed several
tests since the last contact, that an irreversible, probably
physical, failure has occurred on the satellite. It is therefore
unlikely that we will have any further contact with SUNSAT, apart
from the occasional visual sighting by telescope!

Summary of achievements:

We are nevertheless very satisfied with SUNSAT´s achievements
in orbit during the period of nearly 2 years since launch.
The programme has exceeded all its original goals, namely:
* to co-operate as OSCAR-35 with the amateur radio
and amateur satellite communities worldwide,
contributing new standards in the field.
* to demonstrate high resolution imaging not before
considered possible with a satellite this size
and costs.
* to stimulate challenging research and technology
development at graduate student level
* to foster valued international ties in the science
and engineering community and
* to promote science, engineering and technology among
the school children of South Africa.

Some statistics to underscore this statement are:

Operational life:
969 days between launch on 10:29:55 UTC 23 February 1999
last contact: 15:22:37 UTC on 19 February 2001
giving 10027 orbits, or nearly 500 million kilometers
51 high resolution photos taken at places all over the globe,
in 3 spectral bands and 15 m pixel sizes on ground
937 command dairies uploaded in operating SUNSAT
241700 telecommands executed successfully
161.144 Mbytes of whole orbit data (WOD) downloaded
94868 GPS data points downloaded in support of JPL
3.144 Mbytes APRS digilogs leading to a new activity
1.656 Mbytes of Magnetometer data
888 Kbytes international school experimental data
7.052 Mbytes of data for the star camera experiment
Several hours of PAL videotape data of Southern Africa

It was indeed a privilege to be part of this successful
post graduate student satellite research programme! The
SUNSAT management team wants to use this opportunity to
thank everyone the world over for all the enthusiasm and
the long extra hours they have invested in the design,
building and operation of SUNSAT. The pride of having
participated therein shall be treasured by all.

More details on achievements on web-page:

Two years after SUNSAT´s launch, on 23 February 2001,
we will publish a full tribute to the first launched
South African satellite on the website
The following items will be displayed:

1. A full disclosure of the involvement of the
Faculty of Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch
in space matters - from SPUTNIK to SUNSAT.

2. A processed graphical database of the most
important telemetry data of SUNSAT as well as the school
experiments (one for a Malaysian school experiment).

3. A collection of commendations for SUNSAT received
from the international amateur radio community, highlighting
its pioneering of new technology for radio amateurs, the
large variety of amateur radio services it offered and the
high signal quality achieved.

4. The PAL video images and high-resolution photos
taken with SUNSAT.

5. A summary of the other scientific missions such as
the GPS experiment for JPL

Attempts that were made to recover SUNSAT:

1. During the first year of SUNSAT´s operations, the
orbit provided ideal lighting conditions for imaging, and
eclipse periods during every orbit to cool down the satellite.
The various functions of the satellite were commissioned and
operated, such as the high resolution camera, the PAL video
camera, the amateur radio communications systems, the attitude
control system, the science experiments and the school experiments.

2. However, the non-ideal drifting orbit plane eventually
exposed SUNSAT to continuous sunlight. This particular orbit
was determined by the requirements of the Danish Orsted satellite,
together with which SUNSAT was a secondary (and free) payload on the
launch vehicle. When the satellite became exposed to full sun
continuously, the SUNSAT operations team started taking measures to
alleviate serious problems of high operating temperature and
overcharging of the batteries, by continuously re-orientating the
satellite. Amateur radio services were still provided by SUNSAT
during this phase and science and control systems experiments were
conducted. However, imaging was discontinued due to poor lighting
conditions. This non- eclipting situation continued for 5 months
before the orbit plane again started to cause sun eclipses.

3. When the eclipses restarted, it was clear that battery
capacities were low (fast voltage drop under load), as evidenced
by some of the on-board processors resetting during eclipses.
The assumption of a typical NiCd memory problem due to
overcharging led to procedures that reconditioned the battery
cells via a number of forced fast discharges. This exercise
was successful to the extent that the resultant improvement of
battery capacity enabled SUNSAT to once again function
throughout full eclipses without processor resets.

4. Operations were back to normal when, after the
communications pass of Friday, 19 January 2001, radio
contact ceased altogether. It is unlikely that battery failure
is the cause, since there was no evidence of gradual power
failure from the telemetry of the last few orbits of normal
operations, and even during direct sunlit passes, SUNSAT is
not reacting. It is also unlikely to be a solar cell malfunction,
since this would also have been evident from the solar cell current
measurements and a lack of battery charging over a number of orbits.

5. The functionality of the ground station was also
verified through communications with other amateur satellites,
up- and downlinking via both UHF and VHF frequency bands.

6. All possible combinations of the RF-Modem-Telecommand-
subsystems were attempted unsuccessfully. All other
communication paths to and from SUNSAT were thereafter
investigated systematically, but without success. This
includes efforts to use telecommands directly on a command-
for-command basis (open loop) to place the subsystems in
recognisable states.

Probable causes for the failure:

>From the tests conducted, the possible failure scenarios
in order of likelihood, are:

(a) A possible failure cause would be simultaneous
multi-point failures. However, the access experiments
listed above tested all possible single point failures
through previously used redundant routes. The probability
of a simultaneous multi-point failure is consequently
rather low.

(b) A battery cell or main power diode could have burst
and caused physical mechanical damage in the power supply
system, since limited communication would have been possible
with either battery or solar power.

(c) An external object in space could have caused
major physical damage to SUNSAT.


The history and achievements of SUNSAT, a post graduate
student designed and built satellite, proves what can be
achieved through perseverance, enthusiasm and innovation
even in the face of severe manpower and funding restrictions.
We are grateful for the zeal of the whole SUNSAT team
comprising industry, students, academics and support staff.

SUNSAT has been completed through friends and colleagues
in many organisations. The following organisations
(in alphabetical order) have supplied funds, components,
facilities, engineering support, etc.:
First National Bank (Technology Division)
Malaysian Airlines
SA Radio League
University of Stellenbosch

We give honour to God, who through this project has shown us
once again how wonderful His creation is; this universe that
we may explore with admiration.

Prof Jan du Plessis: jjdp@ing.sun.ac.za. Tel (021) 808 4011
Prof Arnold Schoonwinkel: schoonwi@ing.sun.ac.za. Tel (021) 808

Prof Jan J. du Plessis Jan J. du Plessis
Computer and Control Systems Prof: Rekenaar en Beheerstelsels
Electrical+Electronic Engineering Departement E+E Ingenieurswese
University of Stellenbosch Universiteit van Stellenbosch
South Africa Republiek van Suid Afrika jjdp@ing.sun.ac.za

JJDP@ING.SUN.AC.ZA Tel (+27 21) 808 4023 Fax
(+27 21) 808 4981 WWW oor ons SUNSAT mikro satelliet by
http://www.sunsat.ee.sun.ac.za Besoek ook die Universiteit se
SunSpace-filiaal http://www.sunspace.co.za WWW on our SUNSAT
satellite at http://www.sunsat.ee.sun.ac.za Also visit the
University´s SunSpace-filiate http://www.sunspace.co.za

------- End of forwarded message -------
Dr. Michael R. Pearlman
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge MA 02138
tel. (617) 495-7481
fax. (617) 495-7105
e-mail. mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu

From: ”Mike Pearlman”


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