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SLR-Mail No.733

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Date:2001-02-08 16:43:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman <Mike Pearlman <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 733: ILRS Meetings in Nice
Author:Mike Pearlman
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-02-08 16:43:00 UTC Message No. 733

Author: Mike Pearlman
Subject: ILRS Meetings in Nice

Dear Colleagues:

We are presently organizing the ILRS General Assembly and Governing
Board Meetings in Nice during the week of EGS. We are planning to
hold the Governing Board Meeting on Tuesday evening, March 27 and the
General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday evening, March 28. We have
requested a room at the Acropolis Congress Center for the General
Assembly. We anticipate that the Governing Board Meeting will be held
at one of the hotels.

The Analysis Working Group Meeting is scheduled for Thursday and
Friday, March 22 and 23. There should be sufficient opportunity prior
to the General Assembly Meeting for the other Working Groups to meet.
Each Working Group and each Subnetwork should be prepared to give a
short report at the General Assembly.

We will issue the first draft of the agenda for the General Assembly

We look forward to seeing you in Nice,

Mike Pearlman
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau

Dr. Michael R. Pearlman
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge MA 02138
tel. (617) 495-7481
fax. (617) 495-7105
e-mail. mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu

From: ”Mike Pearlman”


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