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SLR-Mail No.749

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Date:2001-03-08 23:20:00
Sender:Scott Wetzel <Mike Pearlman <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 749: Implementation of New Prediction Exploder - Action Required
Author:Scott Wetzel
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-03-08 23:20:00 UTC Message No. 749

Author: Scott Wetzel
Subject: Implementation of New Prediction Exploder - Action Required

Attention Stations, Implementation of New Prediction Exploder

Dear Colleagues,

In following with discussions that occurred at the SLR meetings in
Nice and Matera in 2000, the ILRS CB is preparing to formally
initiate the SLR prediction exploder services. In order to begin
this new process several changes need to occur by both the prediction
providers and by users of the predictions.

For those who were not in attendance in the Matera meeting last
fall, the ILRS CB stated that a prediction exploder service had been
developed and tested so that all predictions would be provided by a
central method. This service includes a built-in backup system in
the case of problems with the primary service. This exploder and
its backup system were successfully tested prior to the Matera
meeting but because of unforeseen delays, it has yet to be
implemented. There are, of course some minor modifications that are
required of each organization prior to changing over to the new
system. Stations need to make minor software modifications to accept
a format change in the subject of each prediction. Once those
hurdles have been crossed, we can go operational.

1. Standard Prediction Data Products:


The current subject line that is used when
delivering standard prediction data products appeared differently
dependent on the provider.

For HTSI predictions we send

Subject: tuned AJISAI irvs

For the CHAMP predictions the subject is as follows;

Subject: CHAMP orbit predictions

And so on...

b. NEW

For the new prediction exploder all prediction
providers will incorporate the new subject line. Each provider will
provide the same format for the Subject line as follows...(for
of Ajisai)...

Subject: satellite_name update_frequency IRVS

An example for a daily Ajisai prediction provided by
HTSI would be sent as follows:


Specific key words are to be used for each
satellite, provider, and frequency of the prediction. The following
are the list of satellite names to be used in the Subject line:

GFO-1 GPS-35

The new satellite identifiers will be provided as part of the
mission planning activities and will be provided by the
Missions Working Group prior to the mission start.

Next is the list of update frequency terms to use:


Finally, is the list of providers which currently


and including the following groups that currently do not provide
predictions but either have or are planning on providing predictions
in the future. They include:

NSD (National Space Development Agency of Japan)
MCC (Mission Control Center)
CSR (Center for Space Research)

Graham, if you are so inclined to formally change
your identifier from RGO to NERC, now would probably be the time to
do so. Please include a notification to the systems that this will

2. For Drag Functions

For those who provide drag functions please use the following format
in your message subject

Subject: satellite_name FR drag function

Subject: CHAMP FR drag function

Please use the above reference for the satellite names. Also, for
further information on the maneuver message, please see the ILRS web
site for the revised maneuver message format and procedure at

3. For Maneuver Messages

Subject: satellite_name man preds yyyy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss

Subject: GFO-1 man preds 2000/02/24,12:25:02

Again, please use the above reference for the satellite names.
Also, for further information on the maneuver message, please see the
ILRS web site for the revised maneuver message format and procedure
at http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/manoeuver.html

4. For Standard Time Bias Functions

Subject: Standard Time Bias Function

Subject: Standard Time Bias Function

Again, please use the above reference for the satellite names.
Also, for further information on the maneuver message, please see the
ILRS web site for the revised maneuver message format and procedure
at http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/tb_format_intro.html

5. Delivery of Messages

You should still receive your predictions as before by mail so the
change in the delivery of predictions, maneuvers, drag functions and
time bias messages will be transparent to each of you with the
exception of the subject line for each product.

For users of the CHAMP and ERS-2 predictions, drag functions or
other messages, for a certain period, GFZ will maintain their
complete distribution list and use it for dissemination of their
products in addition to the Prediction Exploder System at ILRS as an
extra backup.

The mail subjects would follow the adopted new conventions and thus
be identical. Hence the stations would only need to maintain the new
mail subject standard. As a consequence, those stations already
implemented at would receive multiple copies
of identical IRVS during this period. Therefore GFZ asks those
stations receiving multiple copies from ILRS and GFZ to send an email
to them at prd@gfz-potsdam.de and they
will delete you from their exploder distribution list.

The ILRS CB is looking to implement these changes by March 15th. In
order to meet with this implementation date you will need to make any
necessary changes to your software to accommodate for the new format.
Please let me know of any issues that may cause a delay in this
process and we can discuss our options.

I would appreciate any efforts to get this implemented by the March
15th date.

Thanks and very best regards.

Scott Wetzel - ILRS CB

Scott L. Wetzel, SLR Mission Operations Manager
NASA Satellite Laser Ranging Program
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Phone: 301-805-3987
Fax: 301-805-3974
E-mail: scott.wetzel@honeywell-tsi.com

Dr. Michael R. Pearlman
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge MA 02138
tel. (617) 495-7481
fax. (617) 495-7105
e-mail. mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu

From: ”Mike Pearlman”


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