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SLR-Mail No.75

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Date:1997-07-28 18:00:00
Sender:W. Gurtner <[Mailed Werner Gurtner <GURTNER@aiub.unibe.ch>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 75: ZIMLAT range bias
Author:W. Gurtner
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-07-28 18:00:00 UTC Message No. 75

Author: W. Gurtner
Subject: ZIMLAT range bias

The SLR observations collected between July 9 and July 17, 1997 by the new
ZIMLAT telescope at Zimmerwald station (7810) have been affected by a range bias
of +0.45 ns = 6.75 cm. The ranges have been reported too long. The bias has been
generated by an inappropriate rounding of a correction term to the nearest
nanosecond. This value should explain (most of) the bias reported by
Richard Eanes in his recent weekly quick look reports.

Werner Gurtner

[Mailed From: Werner Gurtner ]


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