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SLR-Mail No.754

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Date:2001-04-03 01:20:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman, ILRS Central Bureau <Husson, Van <Van.Husson@honeywell-tsi.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 754: Etalon Campaign
Author:Mike Pearlman, ILRS Central Bureau
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-04-03 01:20:00 UTC Message No. 754

Author: Mike Pearlman, ILRS Central Bureau
Subject: Etalon Campaign

Dear Colleagues:

In Nice, at the request of the Analysis Working Group and with the
concurrence of the Missions Working Group, the ILRS Governing Board has
approved a six (6) month tracking campaign on the Etalon I and II. The
Etalon Satellites are far less sensitive to the perturbations of the gravity
field and to thermal radiation forces than Lageos. The combination of Lageos
and Etalon should significantly improve the quality of length of day results
that SLR can provide. At the moment the SLR contribution to Earth rotation
results is not considered to be very important by the international
community. This campaign is a very serious attempt to see if we can improve
the quality of our results and increase our role in the International Earth
Rotation Service (IERS).

In addition to EOP, this campaign will provide important data for the
improvement of GM and will provide addition strength in the resolution of
station range biases. Other analysis products should also improve.

The campaign will last from April 1 through September 30. Stations are
requested to track one pass on each of the Etalon Satellites each shift if
they are visible. A pass includes:

2 Normal Points near the beginning of the pass,
2 Normal Points near maximum elevation, and
2 Normal Points near the end of the pass

The priority of Etalon I and II is hereby increased to a position just
behind LAGEOS and before GLONASS.

Please make every effort to participate in this campaign. This should also
give us a good opportunity to further improve the performance of the ranging

The data will be analyzed in 28 day periods and the first set of results
will be discussed at the next Analysis Working Group Meeting now scheduled
for September 17 and 18 in Toulouse, France, in conjunction with the SPIE
Meeting and the next ILRS General Assembly;

If you have any questions, please contact the Central Bureau.

Good luck and best regards,

Mike Pearlman
ILRS Central Bureau

From: ”Husson, Van”


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