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SLR-Mail No.755

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Date:2001-04-03 09:20:00
Sender:Wilhelm Haupt <EDC slrmail account <slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 755: MOBLAS6 Status
Author:Wilhelm Haupt
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-04-03 09:20:00 UTC Message No. 755

Author: Wilhelm Haupt
Subject: MOBLAS6 Status
Subject: Moblas6 status
Subject: Moblas6 status

Moblas6 will be off the air for the 2 April 2001. A -15v power supply
situated in the Contaves supply unit failed. We are presently repairng
the fault.

Best Regards
Wilhelm Haupt
Mob6 Station Manager

From: EDC slrmail account


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