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SLR-Mail No.760

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Date:2001-04-09 04:20:00
Sender:Robert Weber <Weber Robert <rweber@luna.tuwien.ac.at>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 760: GLONASS-78 Predictions
Author:Robert Weber
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-04-09 04:20:00 UTC Message No. 760

Author: Robert Weber
Subject: GLONASS-78 Predictions

Dear Colleagues,

this is to inform you, that the CODE/NERC predictions for
GLONASS-78 (Slot 15/ Plane 2) are currently not reliable, caused by
definitely wrong navigation messages.
This satellite has been set unhealthy since begin of February, but
is still transmitting data.

Please consider to use another source for preliminary orbit information
(e.g. HTSI predictions) or to suspend tracking of this satellite until
further notice. You will be informed immediately in case
GLONASS-78 is ´healthy´ again (or a replacement satellite
has been proposed).

best regards

Robert Weber
(IGS - Analysis Center Coordinator)
Robert Weber Tel: ++43-1-58801-12865
Department of Advanced Geodesy Fax: ++43-1-58801-12896
University of Technology, Vienna E-Mail: rweber@luna.tuwien.ac.at
Gusshausstrasse 27-29 robert.weber@aiub.unibe.ch
A-1040 Vienna, Austria

From: Weber Robert


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