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Date:2001-06-29 11:20:00
Sender:Jean-Francois Mangin, Torre Jean-Marie=20 <Torre <torre@obs-azur.fr>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 779: new configuration at LLR Grasse Station
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-06-29 11:20:00 UTC Message No. 779

Author: Jean-Francois Mangin, Torre Jean-Marie=20
Subject: new configuration at LLR Grasse Station

Dear collegues,

from few days we use two differents lasers at the Grasse LLR station =

One is the old Quantel laser used for the Lunar ranging, 250 ps / 130 mJ =
in green (SCI=3D1).

The second is a BMI laser, 20 ps / 20 mJ in green (SCI=3D2). It is used =
when the weather is good and the noise not too high (during the night).

You can see these changes in the SCH, SCI Log files.

Jean-Marie Torre / Grasse LLR =20

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Author:    Jean-Francois =
Mangin, Torre=20


Dear collegues,


from few days we use two differents lasers at the Grasse LLR =


One is the old Quantel laser used for the Lunar ranging, 250 ps / =
130 mJ in=20
green (SCI=3D1).


The second is a BMI laser, 20 ps / 20 mJ in green (SCI=3D2). It =
is used=20
when the weather is good and the noise not too high (during the =


You can see these changes in the SCH, SCI Log files.


Jean-Marie Torre / Grasse=20


From: ”Torre”


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