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Date:2001-08-03 01:02:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 793: ILRS Readiness Test for H2A LRE
Author:Mike Pearlman
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-08-03 01:02:00 UTC Message No. 793

Author: Mike Pearlman
Subject: ILRS Readiness Test for H2A LRE

Dear Colleagues,

The ILRS Governing Board has approved a one month SLR tracking
campaign for the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan
satellite H2A-LRE. This highly eccentric, geosynchronous transfer
orbit, with an apogee of approximately 36000 Km and a perigee of
approximately 250 km, is very different from anything that we have
tracked before and will offer us a challenge. On the other hand the
ILRS is trying to broaden its user base and must be open to new

The launch date is planned for August 25th. Detailed information on
the LRE and the mission can be found at the following web site:


In order to verify that the ILRS stations can track a satellite in
this orbit, a test organized by NASDA is being scheduled for August 7
and 8. Your cooperations is essential.

Optical observations will be made on the VEP (Vehicle Evaluation
Payload), which was launched by NASDA about 7 years ago into a
similar, highly elliptical orbit. (The VEP COSPAR Number is:1994007B
/The NORAD Catalog Number is:22979.)

The VEP satellite does not have a retroreflector array on board.
However, it should be observable with SLR systems that are equipped
with cameras. Magnitudes should range from 9 to 13. All VEP
rehearsal information can be found at the following web site:


Although this test is officially scheduled for either August 7 and 8
(depending upon station visibilities), TIRV data are currently
available from today through the 9th of August, so testing can begin
immediately. Please schedule these tests locally under optimum
conditions while trying to minimizing disruption on the regularly
scheduled satellite passes.

We understand that this may be difficult, and interruptions may

Because this is a test for the LRE satellite, the VEP satellite
will be labelled as LRE. Please use these tentative numbers and
acronyms for your tests:

Satellite name:LRE
Satellite ID :1100101 (tentative)
SIC CODE :1577 (tentative)
generated span:July 31,2001 00:00:00 - Aug 9,2001 00:00:00

These TIRVs below were generated using the VEP 2-Line element. The
VEP(LRE) TIRVs will be updated a few times between now and August 8.
these TIRVs, please report tracking information to the following e-
mail addresses:


Please prepare your report using this standard template:
StationName: Greenbelt
Visible Acquired Time: 03:14-08:20
Az: 240
El: 50-60
IRV used: (File Name)
Offset along track: 150 arcsec
Offset across track: 400 arcsec
Visibility Magnitude : 11
Detail offset record of LRE when centered on your field of view.(if
available) EpochUTC, El along across 03:14:40 54 100, 200
03:15:40 54 150, 300

In order to assess our readiness for the H2A-LRE launch, your
participation is essential.

Thank you for your support,

Scott Wetzel
Julie Horvath
Mike Pearlman

ILRS Central Bureau


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