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SLR-Mail No.795

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Date:2001-08-08 15:40:00
Sender:Takashi Uchimura <Eurolas Data Center <edc@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 795: Re: LRE support at CDDIS
Author:Takashi Uchimura
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-08-08 15:40:00 UTC Message No. 795

Author: Takashi Uchimura
Subject: Re: LRE support at CDDIS

Dear Carey,

>I am very well, thank you! We here in Maryland are experiencing an
>excellent summer this far. It is unusually cool here for this time of
>year (80´s F); usually we are also hot and humid. So, Washington would
>be an excellent vacation spot!

That´s sounds good information. It seems abnormal psychology in this year.
In Japan, especially the north of Japan area where I live is under shortage
of water
because of no rainfall. May be the bureau of waterworks will do suspension
of the
water supply before long.

By the way, I will get SSH tool soon. We will ssh to cddisa as soon as I can.
And I would like to register to the following mail services;

- SLRMail
- ILRSPred
- ILRS Exploders

The mail address which wants to register as follows;

uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp and

If you have any question for my request, please ask me.

Thank you for your cooperation ! m(_ _)m <-- This is a man who does a bow.

With very Best Regards,


> >By the way, We are under studying and/or learning about SSH.
>>Please answer following question.
>>We will follow the procedure of your suggestion. Therefore, please
>>send me a login information.
>>We would like to carry out test as soon as possible.
>I have set up the user nasdaslr/Lre$ilr$ on host cddisa.gsfc.nasa.gov;
>you should ssh to cddisa as soon as you can to change this. I hope this
>will work OK. If you have problems with SSH let me know and I will try
>to help you (or one of my system administration staff).
>I also look forward to working on this activity with you!
>Best regards,



National Space Development Agency of JAPAN
Office of Satellite Technology,Research and Applications
Satellite Mission Operations Department
Flight Dynamics Group


Tel +81 298 52 2443 Fax +81 298 51 2326
e-mail ” uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp ”
Internal URL : http://hats.tkc.nasda.go.jp
Global URL : http://god.tksc.nasda.go.jp


From: Eurolas Data Center
From: SMTP%”uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp” ”Takashi.Uchimura” 8-AUG-2001 05:27:05.66
From: ”Takashi.Uchimura”


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