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SLR-Mail No.806

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Date:2001-08-24 12:28:00
Sender:GUTS-SLR Team <GUTS SLR TEAM <slr@god.tksc.nasda.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 806: LRE Launch Information from NASDA (8/24)
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-08-24 12:28:00 UTC Message No. 806

Author: GUTS-SLR Team
Subject: LRE Launch Information from NASDA (8/24)

Dear colleagues,

NASDA decided the new launch date of H-IIA.F1 on 29th Aug.2001
as a provisional launch date.
We began to prepare for launch operation toward 29th Aug.

We don´t know the detailed of cause investigation of valve yet (see Message
No. 0804), but it will be informed you via through our web site or email.

LRE IRVs will be distributed through the predictions exploder, the NASA
Crustal Dynamics Data Center (CDDIS), and the European Data Center (EDC)
for global access after sending this message.

Here after is additional information.

We developed ”SLR Tracking Supoort Information System” for ADEOS-II SLR
Backgrounds of this development are as follows.
You know,there is visual field obstacle in ADEOS-II´s CCR. It is not
possible to include this information in TIRVs that we generate.
We understand that is necessary to transmit this information to the station
in some forms in order to carry out the efficient operation in the station.
From the above fact,this system was developed for ADEOS-II SLR Tracking.
But, We would like to confirm the function of this system from LRE tracking.
Off course, there is not visual field obstacle in LRE.
Please access to http://god.tksc.nasda.go.jp and click ”SLR Tracking
Supoort Information System”

With best regards,
Takashi Uchimura

National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications
Satellite Mission Operations Dep. Flight Dynamics Group

”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete


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