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SLR-Mail No.808

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Date:2001-08-28 12:07:00
Sender:GUTS-SLR Team <Takashi.Uchimura <uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 808: LRE launch information (8/28)
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-08-28 12:07:00 UTC Message No. 808

Author: GUTS-SLR Team
Subject: LRE launch information (8/28)

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your cooperation for LRE tracking.
Launch-1 day (2 days prior to launch) countdown operations
began for the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.1. The operations
have been moving$B!!(Bsmoothly to be ready for the launch at
04:00 on August 29 (UTC).

We have already updated LRE IRVs and sent you via ILRS
predictions exploder. and it will be registered to the CDDIS
and EDC server soon.

You can see the status of H-IIA launch vehicle on our
web site http://www.nasda.go.jp/h2a/liftoff/index_e.html.

Finally, thank you for your support!!

Best regards,


National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
Office of Satellite Technology, Research and Applications
Satellite Mission Operations Dep. Flight Dynamics Group

From: ”Takashi.Uchimura”


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