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SLR-Mail No.82

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Date:1997-09-29 10:00:00
Sender:Andrew Sinclair <[Mailed Andy Sinclair <ats@ast.cam.ac.uk>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 82: Glonass tracking
Author:Andrew Sinclair
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-09-29 10:00:00 UTC Message No. 82

Author: Andrew Sinclair
Subject: Glonass tracking

The SLR network is at present tracking two of the Glonass satellites,
Glonass 63 and 67. At about the end of August Glonass 63 ceased to
operate, and it is now very difficult to get returns from it. We have
been requested to switch our efforts from Glonass 63 to Glonass 71
(see the message appended below). This request was approved at the
CSTG Steering Committee meeting held in London on September 23.
Approximate IRVs formed from the NORAD Two-Line elements have been
placed in the EDC in pub/laser/predictions/RGO_PRED/
The COSPAR ID of Glonass 71 is 9500901.

Request from Dr Natalia Parkhomenko
(Space Device Engineering Corporation, Moscow) :

If it is possible we want to ask SLR Network to track Glonass
71 instead Glonass 63 and ask a meeting of CSTG Steering Committee on
September 23 to consider our request to observe Glonass 71 instead of
Glonass 63. Glonass 71 is Cosmos 2307, the Launching 30 07 95,
almanac/slot number 20 [”GPS World”].

[Mailed From: Andy Sinclair ]


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