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SLR-Mail No.820

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Date:2001-09-14 16:58:00
Sender:Mike Pearlman <Mike Pearlman <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 820: ILRS Workshop and General Assembly Cancelled
Author:Mike Pearlman
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-09-14 16:58:00 UTC Message No. 820

Author: Mike Pearlman
Subject: ILRS Workshop and General Assembly Cancelled

Dear Colleague:

It appears now that none of the US participants will be able to
travel to Toulouse for the ILRS Meetings. All overseas flights have
been cancelled. Some of us also now have restrictions on travel.

The ILRS Meetings on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are cancelled.
We will examine options for holding these meetings at a later time.
Ron Noomen is assessing options on the Analysis Working Group Meeting
on Monday and Tuesday. He will contact the Working Group Meeting
participants directly.

We apologize for this last minute inconvenience,

Mike Pearlman

ILRS Central Bureau

Dr. Michael R. Pearlman
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge MA 02138
tel. (617) 495-7481
fax. (617) 495-7105
e-mail. mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu

From: ”Mike Pearlman”


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