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SLR-Mail No.824

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Date:2001-10-05 16:35:00
Sender:Roland Schmidt, Franz-Heinrich Massmann, GFZ Potsdam <Roland Schmidt <rschmidt@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 824: CHAMP calibration manoeuvre on 7/8 Oct. 2001
Author:Roland Schmidt, Franz
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-10-05 16:35:00 UTC Message No. 824

Author: Roland Schmidt, Franz-Heinrich Massmann, GFZ Potsdam
Subject: CHAMP calibration manoeuvre on 7/8 Oct. 2001

Dear colleagues,

the CHAMP satellite will be rotated by 90 degrees (yaw-angle) due to
a planned calibration manoeuvre during the period

7 October, 2001 20:27 UT to 8 October, 2001 07:40 UT.

The qualtiy of orbit predictions will be degraded during that period.
Updated orbit predictions for the CHAMP satellite in nominal attitude
will be supplied thereafter.

Best regards,
Roland Schmidt,
Franz-Heinrich Massmann

”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete
From: Roland Schmidt


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