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Date:2001-11-20 08:51:00
Sender:NASA HQ/John LaBrecque (by way of Carey Noll) <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 840: SENH Town Meeting at the Fall AGU Meeting
Author:NASA HQ
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-11-20 08:51:00 UTC Message No. 840

Author: NASA HQ/John LaBrecque (by way of Carey Noll)
Subject: SENH Town Meeting at the Fall AGU Meeting

SENH Town Meeting at the Fall AGU Meeting

NASA´s Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Program will hold an open
meeting for the scientific community on December 13, 2001 in Room 123
of the Moscone Center between 7-9 PM. Topics to be discussed include
NASA´s Research Announcement for the Solid Earth and Natural Hazards
Research and Applications Program and the status of the Solid Earth
Sciences Working Group, and other topics of concern to the science

See you all there,

John L. LaBrecque, Manager
Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Program



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