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Date:2001-12-04 09:17:00
Sender:Geoff Blewitt <Geoff Blewitt <gblewitt@unr.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 846: InSAR Position Announcement
Author:Geoff Blewitt
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-04 09:17:00 UTC Message No. 846

Author: Geoff Blewitt
Subject: InSAR Position Announcement
With apologies for multiple listings.

Please find below a position announcement for an InSAR researcher to
join the geodesy group at University of Nevada, Reno. Please forward it
to people you think might be interested. A shortened version of this ad
will also appear in Eos. I´ll also have copies of the announcement at the
AGU in San Francisco, and will be staffing the IGS booth on Thursday
morning (December 13).

Geoff Blewitt-Research Professor
Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology
and Seismological Laboratory
University of Nevada, Reno
Mail Stop 178
Reno, NV 89557-0088
(775)784-6691 x171
fax (775)784-1709


Research Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (non-tenure track)
InSAR Geodesy

The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), University of Nevada, Reno
(UNR) invites applications for a non-tenure track academic faculty
position in synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). We seek an
individual who will work closely with earth scientists from NBMG and other
academic and research departments at UNR to develop and implement an InSAR
geodesy research program addressing a broad range of contemporary crustal
deformation topics.

Position Responsibilities. The initial appointment will be for three years
(with yearly appointments that are renewable upon successful performance
each year), during which time the successful candidate will work on InSAR
and GPS elements of a NASA-funded groundwater subsidence project in
southern Nevada. During this time, additional responsibilities will
include developing an in-house program for conducting and supervising
InSAR studies in other contemporary crustal deformation research topics,
in particular earthquake hazards and neotectonics. The successful
applicant will join a core group of researchers and graduate students in
geology, hydrogeology, geophysics, seismology, neotectonics, and
volcanology currently conducting research on a variety of robust programs
throughout Nevada and the western US. The candidate will join a geodesy
group in NBMG which is currently applying GPS to three NSF-funded
investigations over a variety of spatial and temporal scales: inversion !
for aquifer parameters by controlled pumping, global-scale loading of the
solid Earth by the water cycle, and global tectonic velocity and strain
tensor mapping. Potential opportunities include involvement in other large
research programs, such as the EarthScope initiative, using InSAR to
complement the GPS-based Plate Boundary Observatory in the western US,
with possible investigations in Basin and Range dynamics, earthquakes, and
hydrology. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to learn GPS
under expert supervision through analysis of a continuous GPS station to
be installed specifically for this NASA-funded subsidence project.

The position will be located within the NBMG, a research and public
service division of the Mackay School of Mines, but the successful
candidate will collaborate with the UNR Seismological Laboratory,
Department of Geological Sciences, Center for Neotectonic Studies, Arthur
Brant Laboratory for Exploration Geophysics, Great Basin Center for
Geothermal Energy, and NASA Space Grant Consortium/NASA EPSCoR Program. It
is anticipated that at the end of the three-year appointment, the position
will evolve into a self-supporting, research-funded program designed to
complement the other earth-science programs in the Mackay School of Mines.

Minimum Qualifications. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. at the
time of appointment in a field related to the science and/or application
of InSAR: geology, hydrogeology, seismology, geophysics, physics, or
electrical engineering. An ability to successfully conduct InSAR research,
as evidenced by dissertation or peer-reviewed publications, is necessary;
excellent communication skills and an ability to attract funding are

Additional Preferred Qualifications. We seek an individual who is capable
of leading a program of InSAR research with the long-term goal of
characterizing crustal deformation in the western US. Preference will be
given to candidates with InSAR experience in the western US, to candidates
with demonstrated records of funding and publication of crustal
deformation InSAR studies, and to candidates with specialized expertise in
the field, such as SAR signal processing. Because the individual will in
the future be competing for funding from a variety of basic and applied
research sources, a candidate with a strong and consistent record of
productivity in publications and grant funding is preferred. While
experience and demonstrated expertise are preferred factors, recent Ph.D.
graduates will be considered, in which case graduates with a dissertation
involving InSAR and who have excellent references from established
researchers in InSAR will be given preference.

Salary and Appointment: The appointment will be as a Research
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor on an academic nine-month contract.
Depending on qualifications the successful candidate will be appointed at
a non-tenured academic rank equivalent to assistant, associate, or full
professor. Base salary (in the range of $48,000 to $87,475) will be
commensurate with qualifications. The NASA grant will cover $50,000 in
salary (or 57 to 100% of the base salary) during the first year and
comparable salary with appropriate merit raises for the second and third
years. The successful candidate will be responsible for securing the
remainder of the base salary from grants, contracts, and, if appropriate,
teaching assignments. Additional summer salary through funded research can
be earned during the off-contract months. Benefits include health, vision,
and life insurance, as well as participation in the TIAA-CREF retirement

The appointment will begin on or after 15 February 2002. To receive full
consideration, applications must be received by 15 January 2002.

Application Process: Send letter of application stating interests,
curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three references to: InSAR
Search Committee Chair, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Mail Stop 178,
University of Nevada, Reno, 89557-0088. For further information about
NBMG, please consult our home page (http://www.nbmg.unr.edu).

The University of Nevada, Reno is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
creed, national origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and
sexual orientation in any program or activity it operates. The University
of Nevada employs only United States citizens and aliens lawfully
authorized to work in the United States.

From: Geoff Blewitt


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