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SLR-Mail No.847

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Date:2001-12-05 17:28:00
Sender:R. Schmidt, R. Koenig, GFZ <Roland Schmidt <rschmidt@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 847: CHAMP IRV set no. 1000 GFZ predictions & IRV format
Author:R. Schmidt, R. Koenig, GFZ
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-05 17:28:00 UTC Message No. 847

Author: R. Schmidt, R. Koenig, GFZ
Subject: CHAMP IRV set no. 1000 GFZ predictions & IRV format

Dear colleagues,

presumbly during this weekend (December 8th/9th, 2001) the IRV set
number 1000 of the CHAMP predictions provided by GFZ will be reached.
This turnover to a 4-digit IRV set number might cause problems at
stations using formatted reading of IRV files provided by GFZ.

The format of the IRV set number specified in file


is ´nno ... IRV sequence number (I3)´. In order to represent 4-digit
IRV set numbers GFZ will use an additional digit to the left of the
original format, e.g. see ´NNNN´

2001 12 5 0 0 0.0 -2823237.121514 -6007570.781896 -1571753.072104
8002 NNNN 1 -837.443835941 -1525.289444062 7423.094426611
-127 206 0 11088.0 -10402560.975514 5060.361146608

In the DRAG function files all entries are space-separated and are supposed
to be read format-free anyway.

Kind regards,
Roland Schmidt
Rolf Koenig

From: Roland Schmidt


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