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SLR-Mail No.855

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Date:2001-12-17 08:52:00
Sender:John Luck <Luck, John <JohnLuck@auslig.gov.au>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 855: John Luck retires this week
Author:John Luck
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-17 08:52:00 UTC Message No. 855

Author: John Luck
Subject: John Luck retires this week

Dear colleagues,
I am retiring this week, on Wednesday 19 December 2001 at 06:00 UTC (5pm
local time).
I intend to retain my association with ILRS, and (subject to John Degnan´s
approval) my position on the Governing Board until October next year. Joyce
and I are making plans to attend the Washington Workshop, but after then
retirement will be even more complete! I have tendered my resignation to

What can I say? SLR and LLR, plus Time, have been my life for more years
than I care to confess. It is true to say that my best friends have come
from these communities, and all my achievements have come in them. It has
been a pleasure and a rare privilege to be a part of these activities, and I
thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Please delete the address johnluck@auslig.gov.au from your distribution
For correspondence of an official nature, please use: SLR@auslig.gov.au
and it will be read by Jim Steed and/or Gary Johnston who have been
nominated as ILRS Associates, and who will be taking over my local duties.
For personal correspondence please use:
(this will change in the new year when I have my own computer and modem, and
have learned how to use them . . . .)

My other details are:
Postal: 15 Weingarth St.,
Holder ACT 2611

Phone: +61 2 6288-3263
Fax: Nil

My wife and I have decided not to sell our home or move down to the coast or
anything like that - we have lived in our house too long to leave it now!
However, I will be available for consultancy-type work at almost any time
and place, for reasonable durations and astronomical fees. We will be
willing to swap houses or come to any convenient such arrangement.

May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Love to you all, from Joyce and me.

From: ”Luck, John”


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